Salt buildup,lockout,or what?

Jul 30, 2011
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theres alot of white yellowish stuff in my drain container.i'm thinking its salt leafs are turning brown and britel like they are burnt. any advice?:crying::confused::cry:
Flush! It probably is salt build up. Flush at least twice the amount of container size. Would like some pics to help diagnos the prob.
Say your container is 5 gallons, get 10 gallons of plain water with good ph and water till it all drains out
Pictures would make it easiest to help meng... post up!
Could be excess salts. I flush with Clearex, personally, to leach salts from the system.
This is salt build up and if you are seeing that in the drain pan then it is in the soil as well and by the sounds of the leaf you are talking about its at a toxic level. You need to flush with clean water as son as you can, i am assuming that you are in soil, so you need to push out more than the actual size of the container. So if it is a 2 or 3 gal you need to flush with at least 3-4 gal of water.

How far along is she, if i had to guess id say you are somewhere in flower at this point? If you are the salts are from the ferts that you have been using over time. have you supplemented clear water between feedings? did you give her a flush at any point during the grow?

EDIT: Moved Infirmary due to plant health issues
yes... definetly flush with ph'ed water! at least 2 X the pot's volume... 3 might be better with extreme buildup lik that!
08182011010.jpgthis is what the leafs look like.
Like everyone else, i would flush them.

If you have run off when you are normally watering them, it is supposed to help with build ups. As the run off will drain away some salts and excess nutes.

Are you using tap water?