Indoor Saint’s Run: G-14 and Black Diesel

Morning @Saint Skinny , brother I hope you and your family are doing ok , have you got any young-uns??
I'm not sure if you are serious about eating or not, and I might not be able to help y'all much, but I know damn well I can help you a little. Lol.
Kids have got to eat !!!
Good Luck with your plants, but I sure hope you get some help about food, unless, you were kidding, my wife will not stand for hungry kids, we live way down South, but knowing her, she will drive for miles to help feed children, Good Luck with everything, and if we can help in any way ,let's us know.
Ps, I worked on offshore drilling rigs 40years, i damn sure know what its like to go hungry every now and then, and it aint no fun.
Try not to sell your family possesions, if you can help it, unless you can get em back.
They really do! I've NEVER met a dog with as much personality as her, and I'm not just saying that cuz she's my dog lol She's got so many funny little quirks that make her who she is. IE when she was a puppy, she came up after eating and let out a HUGE burp. Momma Saint and I started laughing, and telling her what a good burp she had. Now she's between 4 and 5 years old and still comes up to one of us when she has to burp. I'll have to take a video one of these days, it's hard to explain the way she does it.

I love how each dog has its own unique personality!
@Dudeski , we raise mostly coondogs, where I live, but also got some jimdandy, squirrel dogs too. But you are right about different personalities , everyone is completely different, but the old momma dog, knows how to handle, them young pups that's a fact
Morning @Saint Skinny , brother I hope you and your family are doing ok , have you got any young-uns??
I'm not sure if you are serious about eating or not, and I might not be able to help y'all much, but I know damn well I can help you a little. Lol.
Kids have got to eat !!!
Good Luck with your plants, but I sure hope you get some help about food, unless, you were kidding, my wife will not stand for hungry kids, we live way down South, but knowing her, she will drive for miles to help feed children, Good Luck with everything, and if we can help in any way ,let's us know.
Ps, I worked on offshore drilling rigs 40years, i damn sure know what its like to go hungry every now and then, and it aint no fun.
Try not to sell your family possesions, if you can help it, unless you can get em back.
Thanks Codz, We've been struggling for the past few months and it's been taking its toll on both of us. I'm trying to stay positive but it's hard not to want to give up... I doubt i'd have made it this far if it weren't for the people in the canna community being there and helping us out.
Nope, no yung-uns. Yeah unfortunately I'm serious, I'm trying to find some food pantrys to hit up here this weekend. I've been trying not to sell anything but I feel like I'm running out of options. I've had to cut my herb consumption down to next to nothing lately, so my depression and anxiety aren't kept under as much control as they usually are, which adds another level to it. When it rains, it pours. I just keep telling myself it'll get better eventually...if it doesn't end up killing me
Thanks Codz, We've been struggling for the past few months and it's been taking its toll on both of us. I'm trying to stay positive but it's hard not to want to give up... I doubt i'd have made it this far if it weren't for the people in the canna community being there and helping us out.
Nope, no yung-uns. Yeah unfortunately I'm serious, I'm trying to find some food pantrys to hit up here this weekend. I've been trying not to sell anything but I feel like I'm running out of options. I've had to cut my herb consumption down to next to nothing lately, so my depression and anxiety aren't kept under as much control as they usually are, which adds another level to it. When it rains, it pours. I just keep telling myself it'll get better eventually...if it doesn't end up killing me
@Saint Skinny , Brother I don't know what to tell you, wife thought y'all had young-uns, she will get groceries for hungry kids, and if she knew you and you lived close by ,there's no doubt in my mine, she would help you too.
I've never been on but 2 MJ forums, and I was told that we shouldn't be doing this, on this forum, But if we knew the grocery store where y'all shop, she would wire some money to the grocery store, probably not to much cash, but at least y'all could eat.
I sure hope you have your food problems solved though. And if you have ,good luck to you in the future.
Time to give the girls some Frass tea! I started the batch about 6pm yesterday with 5ml of Molashish to keep em fed. I'd love to take a look at this stuff under a microscope one day.

That bowl of brown nastiness is a Gnat Trap. Apple Cider Vinegar and a drop of dish soap.
Time to give the girls some Frass tea! I started the batch about 6pm yesterday with 5ml of Molashish to keep em fed. I'd love to take a look at this stuff under a microscope one day.View attachment 901358 View attachment 901359
That bowl of brown nastiness is a Gnat Trap. Apple Cider Vinegar and a drop of dish soap.
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I use the apple vinegar and soap works a treat.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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UpdateTime! Sorry I've been slacking a little bit, Life's been a straight up shitty mess lately, Until my card gets here I can't go to the dispo, so I haven't been smoking much of anything, which is made things that much more anxious. I'm literally trying to find some belongings to sell so we can get some food and gas. might be food truck time :help::wall: Okay enough whining, I just had to vent a wee bit. On to the girls

The seedlings are moving right along. BD#2 is getting transplanted in the next day or two.. I got a bag of 'Great Lakes Water Only Soil' that I've been wanting to try, so I'll put her straight into that and see what she does. I've only heard good things about it so I'm almost optimistic.

The soil is from Detroit Nutrient Company, I've been using their castings for a year or two and I love em! I was on Instagram or something like that and saw a post about their soil... I commented saying I was glad to be able to support a Michigan Company and how much I loved their castings.Tom responded and said he'd be happy to send me a bag to try it out.

All of the seedlings (BD#1, BD#2, and P.A.R.M.) are going to be getting their first Nute tea in the morning!
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I feel like I kind of failed G14, She had more potential but my heads not always in the game lately, not eating right has really been throwing me off. Now that I think about it prolly not the best time to start a journal but oh well, I already started.
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Heres my photo GG just for shits and giggles... She's about the only thing worth showing right now, but it'll get better.
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Is that dirt on the sticky sheets or fungus gnats?
Is that dirt on the sticky sheets or fungus gnats?
More than likely a little bit of both lol I can’t get any more for awhile so I wanted to make sure I got full usage of what I had. I just realized how pathetic that is...