Indoor Russian Rocket Fuel Feminized+Paradise Automaria Feminized

.:|Day 21 since germination|:.
Ok new updates,Today iv been to see how me girls are doing, and yes thery all showing thery sex of,And the RRF are start to kick off now,they seem to be growing abit more faster then me Automaria,but all 4 girls are looking so nice and happy.:D,Heres some Pictures,
012.jpg001 (2).jpghere some picture for any new grower when sexing 002.jpg003 (3).jpg this what you looking 4,
Till Later :peace:
Very nice and healthy your little girls are on their way to make some fine young ladies. :drool:
Looking good, I'll be joining the ride and am starting up a batch of RRF's myself here soon.
:howdy:Pakalolohui welcome abord the rock ship take a seat :smokebuds:,and enjoy the ride, girls looking good abit hot yestday but all good,new up dates on the weekend, :peace: