Extraction RSO + 190 tincture math?

Jul 10, 2019
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hi. I am making a tincture with RSO and 190 proof alcohol and want to make sure I am doing the math correct. I start with 1g RSO @ 88% thc. This gives me 880mg thc. I want my tincture to be 40mg/ml. Therefore 880/40=22ml@40mg/ml. I added 21ml of alcohol to the 1g RSO for 22ml of tincture @ 40mg thc per ml. I usually need between 40-60mg thc. Now I can take 1.25 ml tincture for 50mg thc. Does this look correct?

I'm not sure on all the math... But why mix rso with 190? You can take rso just the same and its better for you.
If you are looking for an easier way to take it, I prefer low heat and honey then stir in rso. Use honey for coffees, teas, or biscuits. Plenty of other things you can bond it with. Most people use 190 to make rso then evap alcohol.
hi. I am making a tincture with RSO and 190 proof alcohol and want to make sure I am doing the math correct. I start with 1g RSO @ 88% thc. This gives me 880mg thc. I want my tincture to be 40mg/ml. Therefore 880/40=22ml@40mg/ml. I added 21ml of alcohol to the 1g RSO for 22ml of tincture @ 40mg thc per ml. I usually need between 40-60mg thc. Now I can take 1.25 ml tincture for 50mg thc. Does this look correct?


RSO is a pain.
Better is to mix it with something, as you are considering.
Whatever you do, decarb first, and 240 F for 40 min with a verifying thermometer is optimal.
If you mix it with alcohol, it's probably best absorbed under the tongue compared to oil, but it will burn.
I mix mine with oil instead of alcohol, and it's much more pleasant and convenient.
Alcohol will dissolve caps in a few hours, oil won't.
Pills can be easily made, and dosage controlled by number of drops.

Your math is correct.
thanks for the replies. The RSO is from a dispensary so no other prep needed. Mixing it with 190 makes it really easy to consume at a known quantity (mg THC:CBD). I used 21ml 190 to 1g RSO. at that dilution the burn (1.5-2.25 ml placed on back of toungue and swallowed) from the 190 only lasts about 10 sec and is mild. after that the flowery tastes of the terps come through and it is delightful.