Outdoor RQS Diesel and Blue crush auto

Latest update. Looked at the Blue crush auto with the loupe. Nice crystals showing and all 3 are smelling amazing. High bud to leaf ratio

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Fantastic!! Looks like you are going to do really well!! Some of those bigger autos are certainly getting to be quite a size!! How big are some of the bigger autos?
Come on over and join the outdoor contest!! ;) Promise we wont bite ;)
Bit hard. Only reason I'm not joining is I'm in Queensland Australia. Out of season grow here with winter comming. I think a few of the bigs might be a few photos i have in atm. Only a week older than the autos though. The autos are approx 40cm tall. Yantra guide said approx 50cm so pretty close. Day time is still around 26 deg C with 14 at night but only 11 hours daylight now.

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Not alot. Only get fog maybe twice a year. Lowest overnight temp maybe 7 deg C at worst but in custom greenhouse should stay around 12 deg. Even though i live within walking distance of the city no pollution.

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Not alot. Only get fog maybe twice a year. Lowest overnight temp maybe 7 deg C at worst but in custom greenhouse should stay around 12 deg. Even though i live within walking distance of the city no pollution.

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Awesome!! Must be nice!! I am thrown adversity at every turn here in central cannada....high humidity, frost, snow, hail, high wind, tornados = good times!! :D :D :D 110kph winds today...LOL
Blue Crush fast auto finally milky. Hubby sampled and enjoyed the mellow and fruiting kush flavor.
First ever grow. Will give it another few weeks at least before harvest. Got another 2 just a bit smaller as well as photo white widows.

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