Outdoor Royal Dwarf Outdoor (first time grow) - Ireland/UK

Apr 22, 2020
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Hi guys and gals new to the forum and I'm an absolute beginner, I wouldn't have joined but after reading through some threads I feel that this friendly community is something I'd like to be apart of

I'm on day 5 after germination of RQS Royal Dwarf grow (2 girls) and I've been captivated by the growth, I originally was gonna sprout them and just set them out in the garden and let nature decide what happens but now after seeing their first leaves I feel responsible to help these ladies grow and flower into some bud.

I started the seeds using the wet paper method for germination; all went well and sprouted with few days, I've planted in generic Multi-purpose compost. One seed in 5 litre pot (which went outside after first sprout) and the other in a smaller pot (all I had at the time) that stayed on a indoor windowsill. The one in the windowsill is doing great

however the one in the bigger pot not so much (I guess I put outside too soon); there is still growth everyday but it's a runt compared to the window one and the initial leaves are curling back into itself
. I've now brought her back inside and out her in a sunny spot in the hope of helping her recover.

Some more information about my grow situation..
- I live in the irish countryside with big garden and older neighbours either side (I'm considering greenhouse now)
- living arrangement means I can't stink house up and I don't wanna run up bills with lights either
- living in Ireland I'm held hostage to the erratic weather, but I hoping for something like last year when we had fanatic sunshine the past few weeks have been pretty nice also
- I have some spare seeds to germinate so maybe I will do some more later in the summer when it gets hotter..

This is my first grow and I know after reading some threads that it things are less than ideal but I figured that maybe Royal Dwarfs hardy genes might be able for an amateur outdoor grow.

Anyway I got inspiration to do this thread from reading Swan UK's Royal Dwarf grow, so I hope I keep updating this thread!

If you have advice that could help me I'd be much appreciated, I feel that this grow will be a learning experience more than anything.


Hi guys and gals new to the forum and I'm an absolute beginner, I wouldn't have joined but after reading through some threads I feel that this friendly community is something I'd like to be apart of

I'm on day 5 after germination of RQS Royal Dwarf grow (2 girls) and I've been captivated by the growth, I originally was gonna sprout them and just set them out in the garden and let nature decide what happens but now after seeing their first leaves I feel responsible to help these ladies grow and flower into some bud.

I started the seeds using the wet paper method for germination; all went well and sprouted with few days, I've planted in generic Multi-purpose compost. One seed in 5 litre pot (which went outside after first sprout) and the other in a smaller pot (all I had at the time) that stayed on a indoor windowsill. The one in the windowsill is doing greatView attachment 1182182
however the one in the bigger pot not so much (I guess I put outside too soon); there is still growth everyday but it's a runt compared to the window one and the initial leaves are curling back into itself View attachment 1182183. I've now brought her back inside and out her in a sunny spot in the hope of helping her recover.

Some more information about my grow situation..
- I live in the irish countryside with big garden and older neighbours either side (I'm considering greenhouse now)
- living arrangement means I can't stink house up and I don't wanna run up bills with lights either
- living in Ireland I'm held hostage to the erratic weather, but I hoping for something like last year when we had fanatic sunshine the past few weeks have been pretty nice also
- I have some spare seeds to germinate so maybe I will do some more later in the summer when it gets hotter..

This is my first grow and I know after reading some threads that it things are less than ideal but I figured that maybe Royal Dwarfs hardy genes might be able for an amateur outdoor grow.

Anyway I got inspiration to do this thread from reading Swan UK's Royal Dwarf grow, so I hope I keep updating this thread!

If you have advice that could help me I'd be much appreciated, I feel that this grow will be a learning experience more than anything.



Welcome! AFN has been a great place for me to learn. Everyone I've interacted with has been friendly and helpful.

I'm interested in your strain, I wanted to get some seeds but they were sold out when placing my last order. Sounds like a greenhouse will both keep your grow private and help protect your ladies from the weather. Best of luck! ✌️
Greetings and welcome to the site.
I grow several strains of dwarf .
These plants usually take to cooler weather so you should be ok.
Two things to lookout for.
Do not over water.
Do not over feed with nutrients.
Start the feed low and increase untill the plant complains.
Cheers ,GC
Ok so quick update on the babies.. I'm making the big on Bart and the small one Hugo.

With the lockdown and all spare time I decided to build a greenhouse, not just for the babies but for veg and fruit too, however I think they like there new home and the weather has been nice and sunny!

I am a little concerned with the growth rate though, while they both look a healthy green I'm not sure if they should be bigger or why there leaves are deformed..



This one was the strongest seedling, what do you reckon, is she small for nearly 3 weeks old? Do the leaves look odd?

This is the second one, who is a little bit shorter, and again with some deformation on the leaves..

Anybody see any immediate problems, or any advice? I assume that she is nearing preflowering stage so maybe I need to add some bites. I have tomato growth nutes in the shed, is this suitable?

Ps I've also germinated another two seeds and they are growing up nicely!
