Son of Hobbes

High of the Tiger
Staff member
AFN Admin
Cultivators Club
Oct 8, 2012
Reaction score
Good morning everyone!

SoH here and I'm kicking off the official CannaZone Test Group product testing for Rosin Tech!

Rosin Tech has been so very kind and generous to send us out a professional grade rosin press and I will be documenting my experiences here while using the product and features. The rosin press is a single ram pneumatic rosin tech heat press (Model Number: RTPPSRP48.)

My experience with rosin to be quite honest is a bit limited. I've tried only two times in the past to press out rosin using a hair press and I failed miserably both times. Made little bud pucks (a common story it seems if you read around.) I got frustrated with it (especially knowing other guys do it with no hassles,) but I would guess the three biggest culprits in my situation was A) not enough pressure, B) improper temperatures, and C) simply inexperienced.

My hope and goal for this product test is that this product will simply solve those issues I faced. Take out the guesswork of the correct pressure, take out the guesswork of what temperature (and keeping it consistent) the plates are, and how easy it is to use.

The rosin press arrived successfully just the other day and I've managed to get it not only functioning but producing some results (which is very exciting!)

I'll talk about how the product was shipped, show you an unboxing, what it comes with, how to hook it up and my first impression (based on my experience.) I'm very excited to have this opportunity and it's already gotten quite a bit of play since it's shown up (and if you want to know how make new friends quickly, tell them you have a professional model rosin press!)

So buckle up and tag along with me while we press it out with Rosin Tech!

Yes Mr. Hobbes,

Please show us your RAM power. I wonder if you can use the rosin in bags for baseball pitchers.???

I think Timmy Lincecum might like to use the Rosin bag.


I'm not sure if the baseball would ever leave their hands if they are handling this stuff brother!

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So it was that very morning I was telling the Mrs that I need to get a tracking number from my fellow admin member (who had setup the testing with the Rosin Tech representative) because we weren't sure when the press was coming (nor did we realize which press we were getting.) I'm at work and I get a text and it says "there's a large wooden crate that was just delivered on the front step." I think to myself "large wooden crate?" And the only thing it could be was the rosin press. So I'm really excited and the whole drive home from work I've got this image in my head of this TABLETOP, probably pretty heavy but still manageable piece of equipment that I could setup down in my basement or two-hand lug around, something of a manageable size. It probably didn't hurt that my good pal @briman sent me the WRONG PICTURE of the rosin press that he told me I was getting, whether it on purpose or not :rofl: It also probably didn't help, that rosin press was from a DIFFERENT MANUFACTURER @briman :rofl: So, my expectations were a little bit blown out when I get home and see THIS thing :rofl:

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It wasn't a rosin press. Someone sent me the ark of the covenant! As I looked around for government helicopters and a whip-cracking protagonist, I gave it a little tip to see how heavy it was. Just as I suspected. Heavy as shit. :rofl: I tried moving it myself. Nope. I'm a big dude. Nope. :rofl: Had my Mrs help me. Nope. :rofl:

Dolly time!

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The unit itself is around 155 pounds. It is a BEAST. The crate is a BEAST. You likely WILL need two people to move this around. You can do it by yourself but I'd say you're increasing your chances of throwing out your back and/or having something bad happen to the equipment. Don't be stupid, use the buddy system and buddy lift. Even with a dolly (granted these are hard rubber tires,) it was still a beast rolling them up a couple of steps.

I had planned on putting this down in my basement; I would say this after having the unit and moving it around a bit: find a spot, set it, and forget it. This isn't equipment meant to be moved around a ton and it's very heavy; it even states in the instructions to find the home where you want it and to leave it there.

You can see in this picture the crate itself is nearly 3 feet tall.

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About 16 inches wide:

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And my lovely assistant:

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The top of the crate is secured with screws:

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And the sides, bottom, and top are secured with straps:
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I did notice there actually was some damage to the crate itself, there's a perfect fork-lift tine indentation on the side here where somebody got a little careless it looks like. I did inspect everything inside and there's no damage to the unit but definitely want to let Rosin Tech be aware damage did occure somewhere between their warehouse and receiving it.

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I also noticed this hole on the top, which I thought was interesting. Now I'm not sure if this is true or not, but my Mrs watches a lot of these transport shows on Netflix and she thinks it was drilled into at weigh station to check for contraband. I thought maybe someone could have been hiding inside and that was their air hole (or sandwich hole, or... no no we won't go there lol.)

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Well there we have it. The ark of the covenant style crate that may house biblical tablets, a rosin press, illegal contraband, or a sandwich eating stowaway. Only one logical choice here and that's to crack it open!

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Let me comment on the shipping real quick here.

Now let me just say as butt chewings goes, I'm sure most people here aren't unfamiliar with a good, old fashioned butt chewing. This particular crate, or, in more particular detail the DELIVERY of said crate was what prompted mine. I remember it just like it happened only a few days ago. You see, we live on a particularly busy side street. People are used to FedEx... UPS.... the mail man... even a delivery truck. Even Lowe's trucks delivering some furniture or something. But this came on a SEMI-TRUCK :rofl: Ohhhhhh man. I wasn't there for it, but I guess the sight of a full semi-truck and trailer parked on our side street was QUITE the spectacle, let me tell you what. Having to use the tommy lift and pallet jack to have your ark of the covenant style crate delivered to your front porch that can't be easily moved by one person without equipment may draw some attention to what you're doing. Note to self to next time (be mentally prepared.) :rofl:

I told the Mrs "if the neighbors ask, just tell them it was some imported hardcore sex stuff. Had to be delivered in a crate for weight/safety concerns." Pretty sure she won't tell them that. Pretty sure it won't honestly ever come up. Win-win.

On to the unveiling!
:jawdrop: :clapper: :finger: :clapper: :crying: absolutely disgusting!! :bow: Did I see pics in Globals already? .... holy crap Hobbestah, that looks like it got speared by the fork lift tip- :nono: --freakin' nov'! :doh:
...the hole drilled in is almost certainly a peep hole for a camera scan,.. too big to X-ray!

As I took the crate lid off, I looked down to behold what treasures lay inside.

Well I think we can safely say no one is being smuggled in this crate. Jury is still out on the contraband. More likely a rosin press. Less likely ark containing biblical tablets of eyeball melting proportions.

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The sides of the crate were nailed/stapled together so I went after it with a pry bar and they came apart very easily (honestly you could probably just pull them apart using hand strength alone but it's sharp and pointy and you want to avoid cutting yourself!)

If there are any Half-life fans out there, I Gordon Freeman'd the shit out of this crate :hump:

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MASSIVE pack of silica in the bottom:

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And what's this?

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