Hi,I was trying to thin the soil slightly as I had been using coffee grounds on the top of the soil mixed in for the last 2/3 weeks to get a small bit more nitrogen but pests started swarming and attacking the leaves (the coffee would have been better composted first and it would attract pests but I knew that before doing it,probably would have been better using some soil with added nutes as mulch) unfortunately during the course of this I pared the soil back a bit too much and left 3/4 top roots exposed in the centre of 2 pots each and I pulled one of the roots accidentally but I'm almost certain I didn't break it,and I might have touched the others,I then replaced the top soil with new soil and watered with rainwater and liquid nutes,so I'm just wondering how my yield will be affected by this if at all?,as I know autos don't like being transplanted and I assume wouldn't like their roots being interfered with either.