Outdoor Rootbound/revveging

Aug 5, 2014
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Hi, its been a grate summer so far, the early start in april have given me a chance to harvest realy early, also the high and strong sun will give a stronger potency herb when it is time to harvest.

Today i was cheking on my grow op and i pulled some of the pots up in the air to see if the roots havent come out. and you guesed right it had been happening.
2015-07-10 15.06.33.jpg

these plants are about 6-7 weeks old maybe less, as you can see they just have started to bud. and this is what is going on down there.
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here is another one auto viking thor
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well, considering certain things i have multiple options, i am thinking about transplanting them in a 25 litre pot, right now theyre in 10 litre pots. Also i am thinking baybe i can leave them in the same pots. I am saticfied with the height of the plants but does this really affect the percentage of potential bud structure ? I men the bigger and stronger roots the bigger and better buds ? what is your oppinion and expiriences, and what do you think i should do? maybe transplant them in ground ?

I will attach some more pic, just to share my love and pasion :D
Some nice auto kush witch grows purple (yummy) :)
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Also i know this is a forum for autoflowering cannabis, but i dont want to make another post in different forum so i will post the folowing here. I had an indor grow during winter, i had 3 plants pinneaple chunk, durban poision and ak48 i harvested them in may. It was really nice grow my first indoor grow and my yeald was 15-20 g per plant. I used about 200 w in cfl and t5 bulbs. During the harvest i was researching internet for advanced growing tech. I want to mention that i used gas lantern light seting witch is 12 hours on 5 and a halv hours of 1 hour on 5 and a half hours of, and got nice results, so in internet i found out about reveging, witch is when you harvest your plant, leave a few bud sites and put the plant back to 18/6 in my case i just puttet them outdors because it was already 14 or more daylight every day at that time. And suposedly your plants should go back in veg and then you can flower them again. Well i tried it and it worked my plants are back in full veg .
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pineaplle chunk you can see that it has been harvested, the empty braches dow the stem.
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ak 48

So i see them growing tall, they are actualy 2 times larger than they where when they were before i putted them to flowering indors, Now im thinking what to do, they been veging for about 4 weeks and they each have 10-15 tops :D witch is amazing, now i cant figure out what to do. Im going to a festival on 17 of july after that i am guesing i must do something with these plants, I cant leave them outside thou they are in pots and maybe i can put them later in my dads green house, but they would start to flower maybe in september or october witch is to late, cuz the sun wont be so strong and the potency would be low, also it gets cold here during these months but who knows... my other option is to make clones and do a sog or just put them in a grow box in august but i have to wait for my autos to finish so i could buy some leds cuz the light setup in my box is not so grate, well it is acualy pretty good but the power and spectrum isnt so good.
my third option was to force flower them but for that i need to buid an automatic system witch folds covers ower a small green house, cuz getting up every morning at 6 o clock just isnt for me. How do you think witch is the best option for me, i am sticking with the second but them in a box ore make clones (in witch way it is likley to get potencialy more bud from clones ore from the whole plant) i gues it really deppends on many factors so there is no straight answer to that
Anyways thx for reading. i hope someone learn something new. :)
I'd imagine your auto's will finish before you need to worry about this one - how about auto's finish in the greenhouse and this one gets the growbox (and obv. control over lighting) ? I'm assuming you can easily use all three indoors/greenhouse/outdoors.

Re repotting - should have used a bigger pot to start with LOL - if you repot it will probably stunt the plants for a week or so (best done before flowering starts). If i were repotting now I would cut out the base of the pot and place it 5" down (for stability) into another pot underneath - this lets the roots continue growing downwards without disturbing the whole root ball by removing it from the original pot.

Nice Autos btw. - I need to try some more purple's just to make them blend in with the flowerbeds better :smoking: