Indoor root rot help

Jun 19, 2012
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Think I beat the root rot but let me know what you guys think or any other suggestions you may have. because I'm very worried of losing this point. I made a video to make it easier for you guys check out.

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Bump, come on guys, I really need some advice on this.
She's looking good bro. You said she was around day 50 so the yellowing bottom leaves is natural in my opinion. Leave them on until you can easily pluck them off with little to no force. Also your res temps seem to be a bit low at 60, I'd bump it up a few notches. I always kept mine at about 68. Don't have much experience with root rot but it looks like you got it licked. Hopefully someone will chime in on the Hydrogen Peroxide, I'm thinking that 1 cup per gallon is a bit much as well but once again I have zero experience with it. I did use the H202 with great success though. Good luck bro. I think she'll be A ok though. :smokebuds:
pull them off...... any where theres white plastic your gonna get light leek and thet causes algae witch will also cause problems ..I use to use 2 table spoons peroxide to 5 gallons water every res change start to finish and never had any negative side effects...:2cents: