Old Reviews Room with no fresh air... help

  • Thread starter Thread starter Belial
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I personally don't have fungus buildup at all because I use clean salts for nutrients. I don't use the stuff in the small fancy bottles. What that equates to is about 50 cents per ounce of finished product in nutrient costs and crystal clear water in my rez's. :) Haven't had any issues with algae or fungus.
If you have an attic -you can cut a 4" round hole in the sheetrock ceiling and run a dryer vent hose with a computer fan ? Good luck - you gotta change your air out -for oxygen and humidity control....put a small filter over the vent hose attic opening ..a cotton rag between layers of pantyhose ..peace
im using a fan and carbon filter hung from celing dryer vent to the floor and under the door i have two vent covering, i cut a round hole in the floor, vent from fan now lined up with vent under door, i bought a two more plastic vent covering, cut a hole in floor (other side) from fan placed under floor dryer vent connected to outer vent and to new hole in floor, place a plastic vent cover over and ur done, i still have a plastic vent covering left it is for when i have to move i remove every thing and then place plastic vent in round hole in floor and no trace, no one is going to question vents, just think about ur space and u will come up with something:) hope this helps
If you have an attic -you can cut a 4" round hole in the sheetrock ceiling and run a dryer vent hose with a computer fan ? Good luck - you gotta change your air out -for oxygen and humidity control....put a small filter over the vent hose attic opening ..a cotton rag between layers of pantyhose ..peace

Instead of a computer fan, you could hook up a bathroom ceiling fan... Same concept...That's what I've done...Good luck...:peace:
You can do co2 with out any fresh air. you can also pull air into another the room next door and just put a small hole in the wall to add some ducting and a fan to draw from. I had to do that at my last grow.