RocBud Rocbudinc testers Grape Slurri Auto SIP grow

Interesting... Looks like it could be female but it's still super early to tell, at least to me. Crazy to see trichs forming already though, that may be a good indicator she's switching to flower. Maybe she'll take 80-90 days? Most autos I've grown are 75 days and under and always show sex before day 25 and using are in full flower by day 35-40. Definitely some exceptions to this rule. I'll keep an eye out and see what happens...

I also noticed you seedpack was red where mine was black. Not that it matters but just wondering why lol maybe yours are older? Or maybe mine are who knows? Gonna be a surprise for everyone in a couple months!
Nope my pack is red cuz I’m a tester like it says in the thread title so I got these free and like a month before drop so I could get em started and post update pics for peeps to follow! May be why Roc has no pics yet if he’s only ran the ones he bred out! :confused1:
Nope my pack is red cuz I’m a tester like it says in the thread title so I got these free and like a month before drop so I could get em started and post update pics for peeps to follow! May be why Roc has no pics yet if he’s only ran the ones he bred out! :confused1:

Not sure what's going on lol but we will know soon enough! How many gallons are you growing in?
Not sure what's going on lol but we will know soon enough! How many gallons are you growing in?
Earthbox juniors hold 1cu foot of soil so 7.5gal when it’s all filled up and mounded up like they tell u to do with the soil!
So I got some pics yesterday when I topped off the homegrown bokashi and hot damn got some crazy ass roots for being barely over 5 weeks old! :headbang:

Ya I do have the lower stuff being pulled down and open some with Velcro tape but had to pull them off to remove cover while I topdressed that stuff! If for some reason it doesn’t auto and needs the kick I may go little more extreme and pull the net out but prob too late for all that!
How long do u plan on vegging your fast photo for.
Not sure I’ll prob use grape slurri as my guide if she doesn’t auto and show pistols in next couple days! Today’s day 38 on her so I’ll prob flip to 12/12 day 45 if seems like it needs the kick!
Not sure I’ll prob use grape slurri as my guide if she doesn’t auto and show pistols in next couple days! Today’s day 38 on her so I’ll prob flip to 12/12 day 45 if seems like it needs the kick!
Sweet I just started two purple terple turbos. Probably gonna veg 5-6 weeks depending how fast they grow.
So I got my auto mix girl chopped and after cleaning tent up and taking all my fans out from both tents (9 TOTAL BETWEEN OSCILLATING AND NON) and scrubbing them totally clean to get this shit off of them.....:yoinks:
Nastiness going on with the damn dust bunny wings and this was 1 of the cleaner ones! Ain’t letting that happen again cuz household dust on canna plants can cause mold and all kinds of other nonsense! All good now! :thumbsup:
After I cleaned em up I went ahead and moved Grape Slurri over to the 2x4 so she could keep bushing all she wanted! Prob shoulda got the net out a ways back and used it but would be stressing now if I had since needed to move her over! May need 12/12 so needed it’s own tent n timer! :cooldance:
Attached these plant yo-yos to the tent poles to use as a way to lst her open! Got other options but Velcro plant tape or even wire tie with some washers n nuts hanging from them for weight to pull branches down and open weren’t cutting it! I’ll get some pics later today of lower satellites but they are pretty beefy and not easy to open so yo-yos def helping accomplish that!
Loving the way this baby is growing so far! Happy and healthy and only on day 40 today! :yay:
Also since u are back in action @MOB figured I’d tag u to join along! These earthboxes kick major ass so thanks for recommending them buddy! :d5:
Also if u need to get more stuff from earthbox if u use coupon code they made me “OrgMephHead” I think it’ll save u 15%! Def 10% but quite positive it’s 15! Can’t use on accessories like the castors for big box etc or orders over $500 but getting boxes etc it’ll come in handy! Never find any online for them that actually work so they hooked me up for always showing em off and tagging them on IG on my posts!