Well looks like we have a problem....
I had my girl comb over the plants real good and she found balls forming on all 5 plants
I had an easy ryder hermie on me at the end of my last grow and I guess I didn't clean my tent well enough. That's the only thing I can think of because these plants have had zero issues as far as health and growth.
Since all of them are showing balls and the fact that I'm not there and the fact that the plants are doing so well otherwise we've decided to keep them up. I had her shave the balls off of all the plants with a razor blade, not sure what it will do or if it will help so we'll see. Anyone have any input on this? I figure at least I'll have one hell of a concentrate run with these girls...
She said the smell is overwhelming in and around the tent and the buds are growing nicely. Switching into full flower mode this week with flower nutes and lowering my Bstars down.
Pretty bummed about the balls but oh well....
Here's a few pics...
this pic was taken at day 32ish
left to right - 2 x biodiesel, NLxBB, 2 x Bubble
Here's a pic of some balls forming...