New Grower Roach weed?


Take one of yours and break the filter off.

Then smoke it.

The tiny bit of weed wrapped paper you have left as a butt (like a filter less cig butt) is called a roach here.

Never saw a filter used here in over 50 years of smoking.

A roach is just the weed version of a filter less cig butt.

Tobacco = filter less cig butt

Weed = roach

Both are just the little bit of paper left when done smoking. One has tobacco inside, one has weed inside
Thanks for helpi

Take one of yours and break the filter off.

Then smoke it.

The tiny bit of weed wrapped paper you have left as a butt (like a filter less cig butt) is called a roach here.

Never saw a filter used here in over 50 years of smoking.

A roach is just the weed version of a filter less cig butt.

Tobacco = filter less cig butt

Weed = roach

Both are just the little bit of paper left when done smoking. One has tobacco inside, one has weed inside
Thanks for the help clearing that up a bit for me. I should have realized that this is a worldwide forum and that my neighborhood street vernacular would not be understood by most.
ive seen the roor ones,think they whack on an tenner for the cypress hill edition.can get other makes for a few quid.
ahh so the raw tips are pre rolled roaches and dissposible.
i just use a lil rolled up bit o light card
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so Americans call the bit of rolled up card the roach,sometimes the filter and also the butt of the still confussed.
I use no filter. No card. Just the paper and resin dripping out the end. In the 70's when there was alot of dirt weed around and that was one of the ways to know it was good
I use no filter. No card. Just the paper and resin dripping out the end. In the 70's when there was alot of dirt weed around and that was one of the ways to know it was good
Back then our smoke was imported from mexico, columbia, panama. The way it was shipped ended up hurting the look and smell. The best way to know was by resin. We (i) knew alot less back then about tricomes, males and females. I'm certainly much more educated about it now. Especially from this site
The little bit of card is the filter, quite common in joints nowadays, some are rolled circular, some are folded, like an accordion, and go into the paper at one end, and rolled, almost to look like the raw cones, but these filters come in little books of fifty at the head shop so you can use whatever papers you like if you're not into the raw papers taste, I prefer hempire 1.5
One time I saw a roach on the floor and killed it, or so I though turned out to be a part of a joint. First time I really thought about why its called a roach. I use raw cones now so no roaches anymore. Saved them as a kid but not as an adult.
Thanks. Excellent answer
Nowadays I usually smoke from a bowl but when I do roll joints I always save the roaches. Old, old habit from the late sixties/early seventies. jwd, I very well remember the $20 4-finger lids. Sometimes $15 but not that often.

Anyway... Did you ever save roaches of roaches? We called them "generations." Save the roaches until we had enough to roll a joint from them. That was second generation. Then save those second generation roaches until we had enough for a killer third generation joint. That's as far as we ever got. Damn nasty but did the job.
I do the same thing and by the third generation it's so sticky and nasty its hard to light it again for a fourth generation
I'll join the time warp.

In days of old when I was bold and never a thought in me head....... saved everything and did indeed generate 2nd and 3rd generation roach-weed smoked in joints that had "resin" scraped from a pipe smeared onto the paper. Cutting edge smoker dontcha know, LOL.

Now a days that I'm the old in the old, no roaches.
I've adopted the use of a bit o' stiff paper tamped into one end of the joint. I like it! Smoke right on down to it and voila, nothing left. All smoked, nothing left to save. As for the black goo scraped from me stash pipe it all goes in the trash. Nasty ass stuff.
Empty roach weed from paper.
Roll new joint with gunky weed.
Call it a BinLaden.
Cuz it's da bomb.
Get it? It's bin(trash)laden(full of).

Any who, when I was in highschool we had a few people use a paper sleeve at the mouth end. Sometimes inside the j, sometime it was outside of the j. We called it a "crutch".

A lot of weird nicknames for stuff. One hitter bowl pack is a "persy", personal bowl, "it's all you man." When a j would drip resin and brown your lips, that was "gnar-gnar", and about anything else unpleasant. Regs was called "woods" always a pile of sticks(stems).