New Grower Roach weed?

Apr 5, 2016
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I'll start by saying, I've been smoking for forty years. Buying for 39. I would consider myself middle class. Worked hard for anything I had and have. Including my weekly supply of hooch. Which I might add got very expensive as the years flew by. Finally went online, set myself up and started growing my own. When I saw the price of seeds and thought back on the tens of thousands I threw away was when I realized starting would not be cheap. But it has been so much better in the long run. Now I'm smoking my own blue mazar, kush, green crack. And loving the hobby part of growing also. The question is.... I've always saved my roaches. Although the taste wasn't great the high was always better. I Love resin lol. I find myself still doing it even though I'm overflowed with weed compared to any other time in my life. I'm very curious to know if all you growers out there still smoke your roach weed? Or do you just not bother anymore? I would also like to thank everybody on this site. For although this is my first post, (I've been reading and studying for two years) if it wasn't for everyone on here I would have never made it through my first grow. It's nice to see people from around the world have a common ground to share and enjoy. Peace
I'll start by saying, I've been smoking for forty years. Buying for 39. I would consider myself middle class. Worked hard for anything I had and have. Including my weekly supply of hooch. Which I might add got very expensive as the years flew by. Finally went online, set myself up and started growing my own. When I saw the price of seeds and thought back on the tens of thousands I threw away was when I realized starting would not be cheap. But it has been so much better in the long run. Now I'm smoking my own blue mazar, kush, green crack. And loving the hobby part of growing also. The question is.... I've always saved my roaches. Although the taste wasn't great the high was always better. I Love resin lol. I find myself still doing it even though I'm overflowed with weed compared to any other time in my life. I'm very curious to know if all you growers out there still smoke your roach weed? Or do you just not bother anymore? I would also like to thank everybody on this site. For although this is my first post, (I've been reading and studying for two years) if it wasn't for everyone on here I would have never made it through my first grow. It's nice to see people from around the world have a common ground to share and enjoy. Peace
haha funny you bring that up, i got about 1/2 oz-18 grams worth of roaches saved up for a rainy day brotha!
Ho and welcome:pass:
I have a mate who saces roaches,but mixed withtobacco is rank.if its a taste thing then who am i to argue.
You enjoy it,not hurting anyone so wheres the harm,enjoy
I smoke that blue mazar 50/50 weed and tobacco. Striaght weed in a joint gets me too stoned and I like to smoke. I smoke a factory non filter discount cigarette and then break up the butt into my cigar/stash box and roll it with some weed, And then I break up that roach and add it to the mix. I have wet weed, dry weed, wet tobacco in the can and dry tobacco from the factory cig and just keep altering the mix all day and all night. When the mix gets too weedy I usually freak out and empty the whole ashtray and smoke a few cigarettes and start all over. If I want pure weed I put it in my Century Old Briar Sparkless Cigar Pipe.
Yuuckk. I tossed them and now that I grow I toss them. They collect like cig butts and get thrown in the garbage. Spliffs and mokie hits are even worse. I can see where some might like it I know my son smokes his that way often.
Nowadays I usually smoke from a bowl but when I do roll joints I always save the roaches. Old, old habit from the late sixties/early seventies. jwd, I very well remember the $20 4-finger lids. Sometimes $15 but not that often.

Anyway... Did you ever save roaches of roaches? We called them "generations." Save the roaches until we had enough to roll a joint from them. That was second generation. Then save those second generation roaches until we had enough for a killer third generation joint. That's as far as we ever got. Damn nasty but did the job.
Waste not, want not, my man. I save my stems and fan leaves for making budder/bho, and I'd never toss a roach. Throwing dollars, hell no! Just don't keep 'em in the ashtray of your car!
Long ago ... always saved roaches for when I was low on weed. Also used to smoke the goo I cleaned from pipes.

Fast Forward To Now... I alway have so much weed I just toss roaches. In fact when I smoke bud anymore in a pipe I don't even burn it to ash, I load a new bud after the first few primo hits.

Oil or hash I still smoke to completion
I never knew people save there roaches I'll be honest I don't think it's a common thing in the UK or correct me if I'm wrong anyone

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