Indoor Rifleman's Roost, an Autoflower Deep Water Culture Experience !!!

Day 35 Dark Devil Delight

Water change today. New nutrient mix is;

15L H2o
Cal-Mag+ 4-0-0 15ml
MGB 15ml
Bud Igniter 15ml
Piranha 30 ml
Voodoo Juice 30 ml
Hydroguard 9ml

Tall girls in the back are showing purple already. :woohoo1:
Are you seeing any benefits of bud ignitor with autos?
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I haven't run a side by side, with and without, to see the difference. The local store was clearance selling all AN products when I grabbed up the biggest bottles I could get my hands on. I've just used it when called for since then.
I though of trying bud ignitor. Just never actually purchased it.

I did purchase RECHARGE though. Tom my plants will all get a recharge bath in the root zone. I plan on making it a 1 time weekly deal to flood them with it. I have been seeing great resukts with mammoth P in flower. Really made me re evaluate my root zone and i got a little game plan i will be trying