
Yesterday's chop left tonight's on the right. 5.5 oz wet. So something like an ounce and a quarter dry. Or 35 g dry. Looks like shorty gave her a run for the money!
Oh yes! I forgot to mention but I have to do an inventory today because there are two more younger Heisenbergs in room but I've lost them in the crowd... I know the general area but am not sure at this moment who is who... They're mixed in with Fantasmo and White Train... I think I now who they are but I have to count up... I'm glad I put counts in my schedule... or I'd be f*cked right now... lol :help:

I think I found one...
I would suggest growing Walter White and 24 Carat to get an idea of what's to come regarding the Heisenberg Special. It goes without saying that the smoke should be kick ass, especially with Walter mixed in... wooo... it is really dry now that we're in autumn so the weed is ready to jar in no time so I'll be smoking some as soon is it's ready to jar up! I can't wait!!!!

Thank you Mitch :jump:
Well done dude! Looking forward to your taste test!
I've just filled a tent with 8 heisenbergs in 15 liters and so far so nice basically!

I have a couple more going and did a wab of the shorty's flower tips... right now I'm so stoned I can't see straight... unbelievable body high... wicked good pain meds! tstt... ttyl...