I know... I'm spending the day in reparation... Getting baked as hell, brewing new tea and getting my and the gardens chi back in order... Ahhhhh...

The new births and healthy young 'uns sure added some real good energy to the room... It's getting it's happy glow back now O:)
HBSS #1 & #2 - Hubbabubbasmelloscope - DOB 6-9 - 63 days
Skidding into the finish line...
Massive tops!
Photo Aug 11, 2 41 48 PM.jpg

That's what I'm talking about. BUDDAGE. How's the aroma? Do you have a guesstimate of finishing time?

Between the White Train and HBSS, I'm getting knocked over with aroma! The HBSS smells so intense! Like camphor and bubblegum... wicked! These two are going to yield 90+ each I believe. The branches must each weigh 90g wet... These two just blew up when I was not looking...

Regarding finishing time... I'm tending to like my smoke on the early side, so I'll take a sample in two days and go from there... Fun fun fun!!!!!!!! :hookah:

Thanks so much for turning me on to these... I had no idea they were such whoppers! Rep to you, your Hubbabubba-ria'ness... lol