Really? I saw video from Coast of Maine videographer who interviewed a guy who was taught by his mom... you?

Anyway. This is great news... I'm very excited. I've used their products since day 1... Shitloads of it. You name I've used it. So I'm real stoked about this.

Thanks for the info regarding pH. I do plant directly to their lobster compost but intend to make a cone of light soil in the middle. I've done this before and it works well with hot soil. By the time the roots get out of the cone... they're screaming for some hot sauce!!! Typical teenagers... lol

Again mucho thanks for the comments... :)
Here is one of them:

No... I helped cure my Mom's skin cancer, but she only yelled at me pot growing... lololol
Ok, so I just added a cup of the brew to my nutrition mix as a 'supplement'... The HBSS will get their first taste in a minute... My foliar application subjects, Esso and the 3 day old Triangle Kush are way happy... Kush'ies soil starts getting fishy water today...
Photo Jul 16, 12 05 37 PM.jpg
Photo Jul 16, 12 06 12 PM.jpg

Howdy rhyce :pass:the garden is looking good. 22 looking awesome! Coolest plant ive ever seen lol. but question.. whats with the cups on the pot? starting new seeds in there?

Thanks man! The cups are covering the very cool micro down-spray sprinkler heads for food and water delivery... I'm gong to change it to a modified dome... I'll post a pic...
I've been fiddling with my water and feeding system... I kind of worried that using something like this would get me 'out of touch' with the plants... quite the opposite... I've a lot more time to observe and really have to whilest I learn how these suckers consume liquid on a daily basis... If I'm going to try the scheduled feeding and watering, I have to figure out how to 'tune' the system for each age range (21-28 days forward)... Oh yes, it helps to know the Managed Allowable Depletion level which increases over time... I'm observing that my young plants like and thrive on less moist soil (28 to 32% moist)... Mature, flowering ones need higher moisture levels... like 36-40% moist... So M.A.D. for young is 28 and old is 36...

Anyway... tuning this for the first time is a bitch... and keeping me up for days... after a real long rest I can think again and am almost there in understanding how to do the algebra to create a time and volume program... once I've got it thought through I can chart the settings over 10 weeks and add it to my program mark up my equipment (valve settings) tweak accordingly and let it rip... I've got it down to the plant level on the biggies and crop level on the SOGys...

Although this method is a little difficult to tune initially, it's the most used in agriculture... other one being the use of ground sensors and controllers... I have ground sensors but they are so new, the company has not come out with the valve mechanisms yet... after that the sensors will control moisture rates and levels much more precisely by opening and closing the valve when the plant needs moisture... In the mean time... I'm payin' my dues... and learning the more intimate habits of my ganja!

Speaking of which! Fire one up! :pass:RS
The brew is done... so now I'm committed to something... there are a lot of ways to use this and it's recommended for all ages... 3 days on... By the smell, I really don't think it's necessary for me to use the fish emulsion... I'm going to try just giving Esso some brew instead of the fish emulsion and trinity mix that I usually do at this age... This has all that an a lot more... So I just sprayed a pint on the soil... Given the desired results... this will be a good baseline for future applications...
Time to relax in the potting room while I fire up a doobie crank the music and chill... The HBSS are on a controlled moisture program and will start getting a liter of 1/1 brew/water mixed in with the age dependent nutrition mostly P, K and CaMg+... Time to relax, observe and report...

Later ;)
UPDATE: Boogie Brew - Here are some important points about Boogie Brew...

  • It's good for 2 to 3 days after you brew it.
  • You can start using it after about 4 hours but it's peaking after 24
  • Take the bag out after 24 to 48 hours. Leaving it in too long is not good.
  • Empty the contents and wash the bag to re-use.
  • 5 gallons is way to much... 2.5 next time (I'm doing outside with the extra)
  • Ground watering at 1:2 to 1:10 (I did 1:2 to 1:4 depending on age)
  • Don't stop your regular program... this shit SUPERCHARGES it...
  • 2 x a week is good...
  • Frequent foliar feeding up to flowering is recommended @ 1:4 along with a wetting agent like Wet Betty...
  • You can keep it at it's peak for up to 3-4 days after brewing by adding something like Trinity to feed the microbes and bacteria over time... I tried 1 tablespoon per 5 gals
  • Keep the air going for the entire time it's sitting to keep the aerobic process going. If you turn it off it start to become anaerobic and unhealthy for you and the plant...
  • Give it 2x a week on non-feeding days if possible (not critical but optimal)...
  • The more air bubbling... the better use a good size pump...
  • You can make smaller batches with smaller equipmen and container...
  • 2 lbs will last a long time if you make just what you need...
  • DON'T worry about the pH... A truly organic process requires an acidic environment to get going and once it's going pH will change and nutrient uptake and delivery to your plants ever increasing root system will be optimized... Your plant will THRIVE.

Ok... that's it. RS

If you don't believe me about the acid and perfect Hydrogen stuff... find a 10th grader who's taking biology and they will explain it... remember amino ACID...
UPDATE: Boogie Brew - Here are some important points about Boogie Brew...

  • It's good for 2 to 3 days after you brew it.
  • You can start using it after about 4 hours but it's peaking after 24
  • Take the bag out after 24 to 48 hours. Leaving it in too long is not good.
  • Empty the contents and wash the bag to re-use.
  • 5 gallons is way to much... 2.5 next time (I'm doing outside with the extra)
  • Ground watering at 1:2 to 1:10 (I did 1:2 to 1:4 depending on age)
  • Don't stop your regular program... this shit SUPERCHARGES it...
  • 2 x a week is good...
  • Frequent foliar feeding up to flowering is recommended @ 1:4 along with a wetting agent like Wet Betty...
  • You can keep it at it's peak for up to 3-4 days after brewing by adding something like Trinity to feed the microbes and bacteria over time... I tried 1 tablespoon per 5 gals
  • Keep the air going for the entire time it's sitting to keep the aerobic process going. If you turn it off it start to become anaerobic and unhealthy for you and the plant...
  • Give it 2x a week on non-feeding days if possible (not critical but optimal)...
  • The more air bubbling... the better use a good size pump...
  • You can make smaller batches with smaller equipmen and container...
  • 2 lbs will last a long time if you make just what you need...
  • DON'T worry about the pH... A truly organic process requires an acidic environment to get going and once it's going pH will change and nutrient uptake and delivery to your plants ever increasing root system will be optimized... Your plant will THRIVE.

Ok... that's it. RS

If you don't believe me about the acid and perfect Hydrogen stuff... find a 10th grader who's taking biology and they will explain it... remember amino ACID...
Thanks, very informative posts.