Mephisto Genetics Rhyce Saroni grows a Toof Decay aka Nanny McPhee

Just to give you an idea of what I mean by gardens... Maybe I should say fields...
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a ton of rain, it's raining here again, after the cold winter I really don't want to complain, but... nah, not going to. I'd like a few hitch hikers but there's too many people walking by all the time
So you pick prune the leaves, but what about the buds? Due to various factors and a dash of chaos theory, it would seem to attain the optimal meds desired, pick pruning buds is the way to go.

Chaos, theory... yes, but the proof is in the pudding... I learned a loooooooong time ago that if a plant is 'stressed' remove everything but the top so it can come back with out having to support all that old growth... So take a leap of faith further and apply this to the cannabis plant... It's focus more energy on what's left... well lit flowers.

I just pinch the ones I want gone between my thumbnail and forefinger... put it up on a table and look for shade, find the guilty leaf and pinch it off... No touchie the flower.... Just leaf... Fan leaves are fair game... Just practice restraint...

I'd say, if you wanted to see if it made any difference... pick a couple of branches that look similar and de-shade one and leave the other alone... chop them and weigh them in the end and see if really made a difference...

Those who do it, swear by it. I've never done it with cannabis but I do it all the time in my gardens... There are so many old farmer tricks to increase harvest... this is one of em... oh so many...
Oh yes... one last thing and I'll go back to my pipe.... I don't espouse any of this... I watch, I learn and I try... If you never take the risk you'll never reap the reward. I'm also trying to figure out what is going to work best for me... Depending on the strain, grow type, etc... I'll probably employ different techniques and combinations of each... I guess you could say that I'm trying to find my style and you're all along for the ride... if you so wish...
After all this discussion I guess I better show you the Supernatural OG.

Tangina - Supernatural OG - DOB 5-13

Supercropped... Leaf stripped... Leaf tipped... Bent...
I even plucked off a few buds that will never see light...
I forget where the main cola is... It's not in the middle... Oh yes... uppper right...
Photo Jun 25, 4 19 39 PM.jpg
Photo Jun 25, 4 20 46 PM.jpg

This is the knuckle that formed after I supercropped the cola...
Photo Jun 25, 4 21 07 PM.jpg

This big flower was a supercrop flop and was hanging on by a thread... it mended itself, grew a huge knuckle and voila!
Photo Jun 25, 4 21 40 PM.jpg

I have no idea what to expect as far as yield but so far... so good!

One last note, after stripping, the plant will always grow more... strip again...
