Mephisto Genetics Rhyce Saroni grows a Toof Decay aka Nanny McPhee

UPDATE: The Beneficial Nematodes are working. Here is a look at after(l) and before(r) yellow index cards showing population in the area... Huge difference... Most excellent! No more Thrips, Fungus Gnats... and 248 other creeps... This will definitely be a standard operating procedure in my garden during warm weather months...
Photo Jun 22, 10 41 25 AM.jpg

As I said, they kill fungus gnats in the larval stage. So any remaining pupa will still emerge to become flies... Thus why I'm not freaked out by a couple on the control strip... By weeks end there should be no more fungus gnats whatsoever. I can't say enough good things about this great organic method. It not only rid me of pests but I saw immediate response from the plants in the form of significant increase in liquid consumption. I mean SIGNIFICANT, measurable...

Here is BNs at work....

Here is their lifecycle, most of which is spent underground eating your plants roots... If you see one of these flying around, you're already in trouble... time to act fast.

Thank goodness for Beneficial Nematodes!
Just a quick note... with all this bug crap going on... I kind of lost my garden mojo... and the Supernatural OG was really wanting a lot more that I was giving... I've nipped a CaMg issue in the bud (for real) and she's spending a day in the shade (under a cheesecloth) which usually does the trick. Some extra CaMg and a parasol... for a day...
It happens man, especially at changes in the seasons things pop up from nowhere.
The only thing I miss from the UK was the indoor lack of pest and disease. Seemingly here there's always something new that wants to mess with our girls, but we're used to it now, just part of the game. Prevention's better than the cure is the new motto in house mephisto :)