Reversing a feminized plant back to ordinary,getting pollen

Thanks for the reply!
Iḿ at 58N , in Norway.... wet&cold scenario!
Yeah Idk anyone in Norway. Try Barneys Farm. They are in the in the Netherlands, so not horribly far away and all the info you need is right there on the site. Not to mention the buy a 5 pack get a 5 pack free sale going on right now. They have autos and photos. And a variety of of strains to choose from.
Enlighten me please:
when you spray a feminized auto with STS ,collect the pollen, and pollinate
another feminized auto(From the same batch)… what will the results be?

( Hell I’m a bit confused here; i do NOT want feminized pollen, just plain ordinary pollen with auto
traits ) Thanks!
Enlighten me please:
when you spray a feminized auto with STS ,collect the pollen, and pollinate
another feminized auto(From the same batch)… what will the results be?

( Hell I’m a bit confused here; i do NOT want feminized pollen, just plain ordinary pollen with auto
traits ) Thanks!
When you force a female plant to reverse and throw male parts, the pollen made is all XX as there isn’t a male Y chromosome to pass down. Pollenate a female plant with this and the seeds are feminized seeds.

I make and use colloidal silver. Works great.
Like you I prefer to work male and female till I’m happy with the outcome, then feminize so I don’t have to sort males and females.

It is a great way to get seeds of something you dearly love and don’t want to be without.

Cough sour stomper cough cough.
Thanks for the response!
I just learned that itś impossible to revert an feminized auto ....
So i have to google on, for a NON feminized auto!
Feminized autos will reverse just fine. Have done it many times.

There’s nothing different from a feminized seed and a female seed. They’re the same. Feminized only refers to no males created due to the lack of a Y chromosome.
The only issue you could possibly run into would be to be closely interbred, and I don’t see that being an issue with any of the current auto lines out there. Especially if your mixing strains.

I had the same issue (finding Reggie seeds) back a few years when I started my projects. Finally found my male from a breeder in the UK, portal seeds. I’m several generations down the line from that now, not sure they’re around anymore.
I found this shop:
They got some interesting reg. autos,but i cannot even create an account ?!
Is that site really reliable ? :confused1:
No idea as to this particular site, personally, I’d like some more family tree info on the seeds. What generation, if back crossed, what breeder their cut of ————strain came from etc…. It all depends on what you’re planning to do with it.
Quoting Arthur:
“ If you got your hands on pollen that originated from an auto male and pollenated your fem autos you would get auto regs.”

Ok. so far, but; If i use pollen aquired through STS treatment from a fem auto,and then use that pollen on another fem auto… what will the outcome be?
Quoting Arthur:
“ If you got your hands on pollen that originated from an auto male and pollenated your fem autos you would get auto regs.”

Ok. so far, but; If i use pollen aquired through STS treatment from a fem auto,and then use that pollen on another fem auto… what will the outcome be?
The pollen acquired from either STS or Colloidal silver will be XX. You will get all female auto flowers.

Feminization refers to the process of getting all female seeds, that’s all. The word feminized in our world just means all girls. The seeds aren’t any different than the female seeds in a pack of reggies, you just don’t have to drop 10 to find 4 or 5 girls to run and cull a bunch of males.