Reusing soil?


Trichome Hunter
Oct 22, 2012
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I have a few plants that aren't doing so well so I was going to get rid of them and start some new plants. I was wondering if I could reuse the soil from the plants I'm taking out? I would probably flush it completely before doing so. If anyone has any experience or advise about this please let me know. Thanks
Yep its fine to reuse. Just flush it and remove any large roots from it.
I reuse all my FFOF for transplants, I amend of course with good organic microbeasties, fungi and extra perlite.
I constantly rotate the same mix, occasionally adding amendments, as necessary.

If you used the mix throughout a whole grow, you will probably have some deficiencies during the grow. If you only got started when you decided to pull and start over, the mix should be fine. :peace:
a little guano and a wad of wormcastings spruce up tired soil as does some organic liquid nute, also leaving the soil damp for a while to recover and create more rot gives it fresh life
a little guano and a wad of wormcastings spruce up tired soil as does some organic liquid nute, also leaving the soil damp for a while to recover and create more rot gives it fresh life

How much guano? How much WC in a wad? Which organic liquid nutes?

Rot in your soil mix is bad, but an active microbe population breaking things down is good.

Mixing soil is a tricky thing and not something where you should just be tossing things in. If you have a recipe you'd like to share that would be awesome, but giving generalized advice like this can be confusing and more often than not have bad outcomes.

Such as, if you add guano it's going to drop your ph and you'll need to buffer with some dolomite lime or other ph up.

Not trying to knock you down GG, just want to keep the soil mixing less confusing

Agreed Mr Piggy, I guess I should not comment if I am lazy to explain myself. Anything that may affect Ph I add slowly and monitor the run off, if you did need to bring Ph down then guana is nice as it is mineral rich too, worm castings are more neutral and do not seem to shock the plants so you can be generous with this, the guano I use a tablespoon to sprinkle on soil and the Worm Castings can be poured in liberally for a nice cannatreat, and my poor English at times - by rot I meant decomposition in a nice way but thanks for the clarification. Alot pf practice is needed to build good soils and power growers can even layer their formulas to create a gentle Ph gradient in their soils to get the best of all optimal PHs - me too I am learning in this Auto Academy every day :smokeit: