Photoperiod Resurrection: The true Phoenix of Cannabis


Frankensteins Lab Leader
Cultivators Club
Dec 15, 2013
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I've mentioned this in a couple of my threads now I'm going to document it as it has once again, taken even me by surprise!

I should have known better. I've seen it happen before. I was even hoping it would happen again. And yet, when it did, I was amazed! To see a sprout spring, from a STONE DEAD clone is nothing short of miraculous! I regret the ones I've tossed in the past, no telling how many of them would have survived. Now, not many have the space or patience to let a pot sit apparently :"doing nothing" for months, but that's what it takes. This example I'm going to show you was started in an aerocloner. When it grew roots 6" long, I put it in a pot of soil, somewhere around the middle of august.

I put the pot in mt testing/breeding cab under LED/CFL lighting. I kept it watered lightly. Fopr a couple weeks she just sat there and did nothing, when I expected her to take off growing. NOPE! As usual, she sat there and slowly began to look sickly. But I kept watering and waiting. She looked real bad a couple weeks ago, slightly shriveled but still green. I stopped watering her about 7-10 days, except for maybe a few drops to moisten the surface. In the pic, you can see the soil is dry and shrunken. It was still somewhat green Saturday. I went to NH to visit friends on Sunday. I came home on Monday. I was very tired and didn't even check my plants till bed time. I opened the cab and.......... Holy shit!

I couldn't believe my eyes, even though Its happened for me before. I had a sprout in the pot and a VERY dead clone!

What strange beast is this! It can't be Cannabis! No one can say their Canna has ever done this!

And this is one of the reasons I believe this is a throwback strain, as old and out of sync with the world as the rest of the ecology in Austrailia. I'm talking about my Ducksfoot! Not that Wally Duck hybrid crap, the real deal, unobtainium, landrace Ducksfoot. You don't believe it? Well, I'm going to clone this girl when she's big enough, and I'm going to document this phenomenon from day one till it sprouts. In the meantime, /here are photos of this Phoenix:

Ducksfoot -resurected clone pic2 -11-1-2017.jpg
Ducksfoot -resurected clone pic1 -11-1-2017.jpg
I had something similar happen , I don't have a cloner so they go straight into dirt , well 2 of the 5 seemed to die, the whole top of it was brown yellow an dead . An it was the only 2i cut from a strain I really wanted to save.. so I figured they were both dead an was gonna throw them out but for some reason I left the for a couple more days an right as I went to throw them out I noticed that a lower growth tip pretty close to the dirt that I cut off when I first put them in dirt had regrown, the same thing with the other one, they had tiny green leaves, so waited a few more days until they put down some more roots an topped then so the Lowe leaves were the new top. They turned out pretty damn good to..these plants continue to AMAZE me more an more every day..
OMG............... well............... this is embarrassing......... now I really have had several revegged ducks so I know this happens. However,,,,,,,,,,,, my new sprout is................................................................... a fucking tomato plant!! Don't ask...... I've no idea how this
OMG............... well............... this is embarrassing......... now I really have had several revegged ducks so I know this happens. However,,,,,,,,,,,, my new sprout is................................................................... a fucking tomato plant!! Don't ask...... I've no idea how this
Lmfaoooo. I thought it looked like one. But being ducksfoot i had no idea. Bahahaha. This is a good laugh here.
Cheers man.
OMG............... well............... this is embarrassing......... now I really have had several revegged ducks so I know this happens. However,,,,,,,,,,,, my new sprout is................................................................... a fucking tomato plant!! Don't ask...... I've no idea how this

That is probably the funniest shit I've read in a long, long time. :rofl: That's up there with... oh who was it... Yodabuds when he lost that seed down the drain and a few weeks later it was growing out of the friggin drain lol!
OMG............... well............... this is embarrassing......... now I really have had several revegged ducks so I know this happens. However,,,,,,,,,,,, my new sprout is................................................................... a fucking tomato plant!! Don't ask...... I've no idea how this
lmao, that's the funniest thing I heard...Tomato Bomb? :p