Reliable PH Pen/Meter?

Ive seen these last night and was interested. Can i calibrat3 with ph buffer 7 or does it have to be their own fluid
i use vitalink calibration fluids but any of them will do the job just get some 4.0 and 7.0 i just bought some blue lab meters on black friday and they read the same numbers and thats like i said after 2+ years of use zero cleaning or much care given because they were cheap only problem i had was i let water drip in the top where the on switch is and it killed one but that was my fault not theirs so i can recommend them to anyone on a budget
Mine has been rattling about in my hand tools box in the back of my van in all sorts of temps and humidity. I was totally unaware of the care packages and never stored it in storage solution, never calibrated it with anything other than bottled water with a ph number on it. I have checked it against my pals blue lab meter he bought and its accurate.(after I calibrated with buffer) I have had it years too. I now look after it and keep it wet in storage solution and calibrate regularly.
Bought the Apera 20 from amazon and its pretty decent,On the cheaper side and easy to use and comes in a pack with a couple big bottles of ph and storage solutions :thumbsup:

Amazon product ASIN B01ENFOHN8
Plus one on an Apera. Stretch the budget a few bucks and pretend that you got an Apera at a sale price lower than regular by the price of a cheap dead meter. I tried the cheap route, and luckily for me it died soon enough to be sent back to Amazon for a refund. The Apera I replaced it with is still dead accurate after a year of use and storage.

Whatever you buy, store it with the probe immersed in storage fluid, not dry, and not in plain water.
Have used the dr meter for 2 years now. As long as its kept in the storage solution, and calibrated regularly, I haven't had any issues.
I've been considering purchasing the PH600 by Milwaukee. I can get my hands on one for roughly $30. One point calibration and seems accurate and reliable. Was also looking at the Dr Meter with mixed reviews
I also have the Milwaukee PH600. The package I got said it is made in Romania. Good or bad, I just didnt like the look of the $10 China made units.

I am running the general hydroponics calibration fluid A.K.A Standard Reference Solution 7.0, I have been calibrating once a week. It has changed a bit and needed recal but I think it being brand new it just needed to settle in. Has been very accurate the last 2 times I checked it.

Also, do get storage solution as it has a glass bulb sensor. I have the Apera 3 molar KCL solution. I recommend a dropper or empty syringe to fill the cap. It takes between 10-12 drops to get just the right amount that it doesn't squirt out the top when capped.

I hang mine with a rubber band in the clip on the back. You can see the salty crust from the storage solution. Used a little too much. Hence getting the number of drops juuuust right. I have my syringes taped to the sides so they don't get cross contaminated.
