Photoperiod Redemtion, The Fight Of Overcoming A Setback!


Excessive Smoker
Cultivators Club
Jul 19, 2019
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Currently Smoking
Gators Breath
Okay so here we go, Saturday the 18th of June. I killed my grow this week, the fact that one of my plants threw nanners and pollen. This blame is on myself as well. When I stopped defoliating the girls I stopped going under the screen obviously. But I shouldn't have to either, I haven't had a plant throw nanners since my second grow. But I caught the one plant in time, and destroyed it.

Anyhow this go around we will be using more plants. Instead of 2 in the 4x4, we will use 3 to fill the screen in faster. I have extra clones going and just put 2 seeds into cups last night. (Pinapple Lemon and Super Skunk) think I'm going to treillis in my 3x3 as well once my finishing plants are done,. Its going to be about a week I'm thinking. Yep, its a process!
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It's Friday mornig there is nothing going on. I planted 3 Marcellas yesterday morning. I have decided that 2 of the 3 plants under the net will be Marcellas. I already have 3 Marcella clones in the picture. I chose to go with the Marcellas because she is vigorous and grows big ass buds. As you have seen in my grow "Back At It For Old Time Sakes"

Well I decided to use the 818 clones for seed runs as planned in the previous run. There is really nothing to discuss further. The girls are just too damn small to spend anymore time discussing them. Oh.. they
are under a Mars Hydro TSW-2000 @ 15 inches @ 25%.

Well we will meet again next Friday! You all have great weekends!
Hope everyone is having good day. To all the people located in the States, Have A SAFE HOLIDAY WEEKEND!!

Well the plants are growing good I moved the lights up 2 days ago to 18 inches. And the power was set to 40%. Three of of clones were transplanted into 1 gallon pots on Monday. They have had some training and some defoliating. The Pinapple Lemon and Super Skunk are doing well. I decided to plant one of my MD-13 seeds and 2 Marcellas. I'm only keeping the better Marcellas of the 2.

The plants in the 1 gallon pots will be transplanted into this Friday. The 2 small clones will be transplanted this afternoon. The clones in the 1 gallon pots will recieve a feeding at half strength in the next 24/48 hours. There is nothing going on at these young plants stages. But if you have tuned in, than I thank you!!!
Not much going on here this week. Plants continue to do well. Waiting on pots I ordered, also some Ocean Forest and smart plugs. All I ever ran plants in was Pro-mix a tad bit over 10 years. Everything is getting transplanted into bigger pots with Ocean Forest. Except the 3 small seedlings. I am curious as to how i will do with soil and having to pH again. Hell since the day Advanced released pH perfect nutrients I have been using it so for many years I havent had the need to PH anything.

Anyhow the pots, dirt and smart plugs ( can't wait to replace these timmers) are all due to be delivered by Tuesday. So Wednesday morning I'm going to get busy. I suppose it will be a little break from mixing and shaking up nutrients, in gallon jugs of water. But I always hated phucking with pH up and down. To feed just water for 4 weeks or so I'm down with giving that a try. If Ocean Forest can feed em until flower. If not I'm perfectly fine giving them liquid nutrients, that's my norm. Besides I plan on feeding AN Again during flower anyhow.

Well thanks to ANYONE dropping in my journey. I can't wait until it's time to place the net back up. OH we gonna fill dat bich up, I can't wait 100 squares filled with purple goodness.
Not much going on here this week. Plants continue to do well. Waiting on pots I ordered, also some Ocean Forest and smart plugs. All I ever ran plants in was Pro-mix a tad bit over 10 years. Everything is getting transplanted into bigger pots with Ocean Forest. Except the 3 small seedlings. I am curious as to how i will do with soil and having to pH again. Hell since the day Advanced released pH perfect nutrients I have been using it so for many years I havent had the need to PH anything.

Anyhow the pots, dirt and smart plugs ( can't wait to replace these timmers) are all due to be delivered by Tuesday. So Wednesday morning I'm going to get busy. I suppose it will be a little break from mixing and shaking up nutrients, in gallon jugs of water. But I always hated phucking with pH up and down. To feed just water for 4 weeks or so I'm down with giving that a try. If Ocean Forest can feed em until flower. If not I'm perfectly fine giving them liquid nutrients, that's my norm. Besides I plan on feeding AN Again during flower anyhow.

Well thanks to ANYONE dropping in my journey. I can't wait until it's time to place the net back up. OH we gonna fill dat bich up, I can't wait 100 squares filled with purple goodness.View attachment 1483798View attachment 1483799View attachment 1483800
looking forward to seeing this space filled up :smokeout:
Okay, a day late and a dollar short. Sunday morning, these pictures were taken yesterday. The plants were transplanted into the Ocean Forest. Last Saturday as the soil came early. The pots I never opened the box. I sent them back. I had dinner with my x wife last week. She stated that I had pots in a tote in the basement. My 2 old 600w HPS lights and hoods. And 2 big fans and 3 filters in boxes one filter never opened. Original Phat filters. These are over 7 years old. 2 big Yield Master 6's a few ballasts. I went and retrieved the pots. I left everything else. Not sure what to do with everything else as I don't need them or want them. But those old hoods are huge lol. Besides I don't miss spending $100.00 per Hortilux bulb, every run.

Anyhow with a freed up tent. I am going to be moving all but the 2 revegging clones pictured in the back. Into the 3x3 when they are ready to train under the screen. Training for new shoots have started on the plants. A Marcella and a 818. Part of me just wants to do just Marcellas under the screen. Mainly because I know I don't have to phuck around, looking for nanners during flower. I mean the 818 didn't herm on me last run. It was the 78, same breeder so I'm on the fence. I will give this some more thought.

The Pinapple Lemon and Super Skunk are doing very well. The Pinapple Lemon is growing tall and the Super Skunk as you can see is a shorty. They were put into 3 gallon pots of Ocean Forest last Saturday. All the plants were except the 3 small seedlings. Man I am glad to have my pots back. These pots are dirty as hell. I have been too busy to clean them. Plants are good. The lighting is still at 40%. Where it will remain for now. This has already been a long read. It's over. Next update I will keep is to one paragraph.

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Man, I just was looking over my seeds. I noticed I started this journal off with false information. Just a dumbass mistake really. I'm going to have to blame it on the burning bush or the beer. Most likely it was the combination. I need to correct this; I said I was growing Super Skunk and Pineapple Lemon. When in fact is Chunky Skunk and Lemon Pineapple (Lemon Diesel x Pineapple). WTF :eek1::eek1: I messed that all up. Hopefully in the future post you won't be as confused as I was just now. I have to start smoking after I post. :pimp:
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