Outdoor Red Poison & Early Miss.

Sep 19, 2014
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Hello felow growers and consumers. I've been in the shadows doing nothing but reading this great site. Ive been a grower for some years. Figure I'd shout out and say hello. Currently I have 4 plants growing,

3 Red Poison. I cant say anything bad about this strain, the colors, the smell. Unreal. The spurts and how aggressive this strain grows blows my mind. 1 plant is in flush and has a couple weeks left it been 8 weeks since birth. the other 2 have been budding for about 10 days now and have both taken off. I will honestly say I will be planting at least one of this strain every time.

1 Early Miss. This is my second time with this strain, its a tasteful strain that hits hard. I went 50/50 on trichomes last season, i was so messed up I swear I $hit my pants. Its a great strain, just don't plan on being functional. Right now she is about 4ft tall.

During my grows I don't top or trim my plants, just for the fact their life is so short, so aggressive and so explosive, I don't want to cause any stress to them. They face south sun all day during the summer.

Currently for nutrients on both indoor and outdoor, I use DynaGro 9-3-6 and Dyna Gro Mag Pro Bloom 2-15-4. These plants absolutely **LOVE** this stuff, in just days I noticed a tremendous change while using both in their certain stages. I would recommend this to anyone.

I live on 8 acres in Canada with no neighbors within 2 miles each direction (I know badass eh). For outdoor grows AF are the only way to go, because of short, but hot summers. When the -35c winters hit. I bring the grow inside to my 32x32x63 Grow tent with a single Mars Hydro 300w on a 20/4 cycle.

This winter I plan on trying some Northern Hog, Black Cream and Devils Cream, wont need to do the red posion this winter as I will have so much. I vacuum seal everything and just toss in a box for later use, my current stuff is kept in a mason jar with humidex packs because of dry winters.

Thanks for reason my long post, but I just puffed a creative strain and figured I would pretend to be a blogger. I will be starting a youtube channel this coming winter.

Puff Puff Pass

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Hey NICE !!!
Silent but deadly huh, I understand completely.
Nice 1st post dude.
I would love to retire in the Canadian mountains.
Ha. I know i would.
Anyplace in the northern mountains.
Born to hunt, fish and camp.
Although havent camped in years now.
Sorry. See this isnt your 1st post.you been here longer than me.
Big face palm moment !
Haha, sheesh.
A little !!!
Well today is Day 74 on my main Red Poison, still not quite time to hack it down. This plant has been known to go at least 90 days. Its currently in a flush so hopefully in the next 10-12 days she will be ready. Other 2 Red Poison (Day 64) are starting to get their bud colors and Im looking forward to watching them bloom.

Early Miss (day 64),this is another beast. Sure starting to flower nicely full and tall. Cant wait to watch this one blast like last years crop.


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Well the time has almost come, in the days from my last post the plants excelled tremendously. I thought at least 10-12 days but 2 more days and it will be harvest time. Ambers are just starting to show up and I don't want to many. Friday I cut the one red poison down and let the fun bein. My other three and coming along well but no where near ready.
Mine is finally done too.
Chopping tomorrow morning.
92 days tomorrow.
I do like the looks of that red poison !!!