New Grower Recovery of N Toxicity in Autos?

I am not saying don't feed but feed/feed/plain water.
I have been alternating feed water feed water. My photos are coming back, so seems my autos should be coming back in thru next day or two.
Will for sure be keeping my ppm much lower than what I'm used to.
The times I grow photos is like stroll through the park. A lot of the autos I grow are touchy and not as forgiving. I can feed my photos light or heavy and still get good results. My autos I have to be pretty on point or I end up with an ounce.
The times I grow photos is like stroll through the park. A lot of the autos I grow are touchy and not as forgiving. I can feed my photos light or heavy and still get good results. My autos I have to be pretty on point or I end up with an ounce.
I have herd that. I did not think 600PPM would hurt them at all, but seems these are very touchy. Looks like they are doing ok on 400PPM so will keep it there and they are recovering. My photos are fully recovered and growing new schutes since the topping.

My Autos should be recovered by the end of the week.
Will update by the end of the week on the status for others who ever come across this issue.

I will also be ditching H&G Nutrients as it seems it is way too high in N.

I will be reducing the A as well for a 2/3 ration of A + B to reduce Nitrogen.

Will be making quite a post about it as the directions for sure are way too high in N.

Will be switching back to my maxi Dry nutrients + Cal mag as never have issues.
So sad to see issues like this.
Next time if you want to speed recovery,water with plain tap until you see healthy new growth 1 or 2 waterings probably ,the claw probably will not go away but a couple days of plain water will get them going again quicker.They have an abundance of N ,it needs to be leached from the soil.Then the plant has to use the excess...this takes time and if you are still feeding them nitrogen,it will take longer.
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Next time if you want to speed recovery,water with plain tap until you see healthy new growth 1 or 2 waterings probably ,the claw probably will not go away but a couple days of plain water will get them going again quicker.They have an abundance of N ,it needs to be leached from the soil.Then the plant has to use the excess...this takes time and if you are still feeding them nitrogen,it will take longer.
You are correct on some front.
Only reason I am feeding them small amounts is they do need other nutrients and in Coco there is 0 nutrients to begin with.
If I feed plain water for a week they will not get the other nutrients they need to grow.
Also my PH meter died so waiting on a new one.
My other plants have recovered and they should be recovered not long from now.
I also removed alot of foliage that stores N.
Yes I am aware the claw will never go away.
Thanks for the tips, but will not be having this issue again.
Lol ok.If youve fed enough to get an N tox then there are probably nutrients in your medium,it will take more than 1 watering to remove them,ive fed plain water or nearly plain water in coco many times and the plants have bounced back faster.I find it funny when people ask questions because they dont know and when you give a suggestion they act like you dont know a thing.But good luck on your grow.
Lol ok.If youve fed enough to get an N tox then there are probably nutrients in your medium,it will take more than 1 watering to remove them,ive fed plain water or nearly plain water in coco many times and the plants have bounced back faster.I find it funny when people ask questions because they dont know and when you give a suggestion they act like you dont know a thing.But good luck on your grow.
I did not say you did not know anything. Yes I had a salt build up due to low runoff. Like I said my photos are fully recovered and growing well with the same low watering/ low feedings as well as removal of Leaves. I am not a newbie to growing just never had an N tox.
I have also flushed 3 times per day for 2 days to remove salts and get a very low PPM runoff.

Once my ladies lights come on I will check them today. Will check for new growth or signs of recovery.