New Grower Recovery of N Toxicity in Autos?

Feb 13, 2016
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I come from another forum, but seems I may get a better response in regards to autos.

I am currently growing 4 Auto BlackBerry Kush from Dutch Passion.

I am an experienced grower of Photos.

I am feeding H&G Coco A + B plus was using Silica.

PH was on point and I am running Coco so I am feeding daily.

3 Days ago I got a N Tox which seems to be a buildup of salts in my medium from not using enough runoff and flushing every 2 weeks as have been busy.

Plants were growing great and are now on day 32 from sprout 15" high and have stopped growing for the past 3 days.

I have removed alot of leaves due to they store N and this will hep with healing.

So my question is; how long until they recover and start growing again?

I have flushed them for 2 days and now feeding very low PPM (400) so they can recover.

I feed once daily.

I am under LED which may also have shocked them as was under 400wMH before then.

Currently at 3 foot above them.

I have herd H&G Coco is prone to N tox so I may switch back to my Maxi Dry nutrients soon as this was a test grow for autos and H&G.

Any help from fellow Auto growers would be great.

Just hoping they recover within the next few days.

They have pistils and no new growth and old pistils have turned brownish.
No new growth or very slow that I can see.


Hey mate... if you could post pics it would be very helpful. At their age I'd lower the LED to 20". You can just build your ppm back up gradually.. Their resilience always amazes..
Good luck
Hey mate... if you could post pics it would be very helpful. At their age I'd lower the LED to 20". You can just build your ppm back up gradually.. Their resilience always amazes..
Good luck
Its a Mars Hydro II 1200 (550watts).

I had it at 2 foot and thats when all the N tox started so I was also worries about the LED being too powerful.
I know 20" is where I should have it 24" maximum.

I will grab some pictures very soon here and lower my LED.
I am building up my PPM again. When the N Tox hit I was at 650PPM.

have never had this happen before so its very new to me on N tox.

Hoping she bounces back soon and starts growing pistils again.

here is a pic of them before the n tox hit. day 28. They are the Big 4. Others are some photos I moved to my veg tent.
They were healthy , but then N tox took over and have been trying to recover them for 3 days now.
Hoping they pickup soon.

Here is what one looked like yesterday. Anything else I can do to help her recover? Also a time frame of recovery?
I am an organic grower so I will not be a total help but my autos require lighter mix than my photos. The light was not a problem and is not too powerful I know that for sure. All strains are different too. I have had autos in light soil that I pull 3 ounce from and only feed 2 table spoons of nutes and others that pull similar that I feed a table spoon once a week too and had in extremely hot soil to began with. At what PPM were you feeding at? Try a fed/ water or feed/feed/water schedule instead of feed/feed. Keep an eye on the lower leafs as the plant and the new growth. The leafs that got the claw will probably stay that way and the dark green will stick around for a while so watch for yellowing of the lowest parts of the plant and a lighter green to the new growth. Probably going to take the better part of a week to clear up as the plant uses up all the extra nitrogen stored in the leafs. I assume you did a good flush correct? Or are you just feeding plain water?
O dam that got hit hard. It will recover but as much as you probably don't want to hear this and quiet a few might disagree with me. I would start over. That plant will have a much lower yield than it should. Probably will yield about half of what it would have normally.
O dam that got hit hard. It will recover but as much as you probably don't want to hear this and quiet a few might disagree with me. I would start over. That plant will have a much lower yield than it should. Probably will yield about half of what it would have normally.
Seeing as these were my only seeds I cannot start over.
yield is not my concern. First auto grow.

I am also in Coco and they need feed daily.

i WAS FEEDING 600ppm which isnt much at all.
I am not feeding 400PPM.

Yeah they got hit hard and I believe it to be the H&G Coco as I hear it gives N tox.
I am very framiliar with growing and my photos that got it with N tox are coming back.
Starting over is not an option.
My concern is if they will bounce back or if they will just die off.
It happened all at once and as I said I have never experianced this before.

This is today. Lowered my light and they are ok but still not growing. Would prefer experienced people with this issue in autos.
Never had N Toxicity in all my 10 years. I am new to autos but an N fox at 600ppm is a bit absurd as that's quite low.
Am now at 400ppm and will see how she does in thru next few days.
I am an organic grower so I will not be a total help but my autos require lighter mix than my photos. The light was not a problem and is not too powerful I know that for sure. All strains are different too. I have had autos in light soil that I pull 3 ounce from and only feed 2 table spoons of nutes and others that pull similar that I feed a table spoon once a week too and had in extremely hot soil to began with. At what PPM were you feeding at? Try a fed/ water or feed/feed/water schedule instead of feed/feed. Keep an eye on the lower leafs as the plant and the new growth. The leafs that got the claw will probably stay that way and the dark green will stick around for a while so watch for yellowing of the lowest parts of the plant and a lighter green to the new growth. Probably going to take the better part of a week to clear up as the plant uses up all the extra nitrogen stored in the leafs. I assume you did a good flush correct? Or are you just feeding plain water?
I flushed for 2 days 3 times a day. took off all the Big leaves that store the N and then now am feeding 400PPM. My Photos are doing fine now and I assume these plants will be back up by the end of the week. Seems it takes about a week to get them back.

I will be rrunning 400PPM until I see deficiency once they bounce back.

I am in Coco so a bit differant than soil.
Need feed everyday as drying out Coco is never good.
I am not saying don't feed but feed/feed/plain water.