Recommendation on a light. 3 LED panels.


Non smoker
Cultivators Club
Sep 7, 2020
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Hey guys. I stopped by the local hydro shop today and perused their selection of tents and lights. I am pretty set on the marshydro 70x70x160cm tent aka 28x28x64".

I know its not the fanciest but size wise it is just perfect for the space I have set aside.

That said, it looks good for growing 1 maybe 2 plants at a time in 3 gallon pots, and having seen it in person I think really only 1 fits.

So the question is, what light should I buy? The shop had a TS600 in the tent but I think a TS1000 would fit also. I like the idea of the dimmer on the TS1000. I was surprised at how hot to the touch the TS600 was. I am also considering the spider farmer SF1000 light as well. Both xx1000 panels look the same to me but the SF advertises as better diodes with better power efficiency.

I looked at the full kit setups and the cost savings look quite good but I prefer to piece together things so I can control the components and not waste money buying something twice.

If anyone has a suggestion or thinks the 600 is enough light and the 1000's overkill, I am all ears. Thanks!
The TS1000 is about right, the 600 may be a little low for that size space. They are a bit warm but dimming can help with that.

I don't know much about the spider farmer but it does look like they're using better leds.
If you can afford it, get the 150 watt light with dimmer.
If price is important, the 100 watt light will work.

But there are cheaper options.
I just got 2 of these to replace a QB whose dimmer went out.
They are about the same as TS1000 but cheaper at $100.
Amazon product

Lights are becoming an expendable item for me, so I go for cheap.
They are like phones and computers, where the best strategy is to buy ones that were the latest technology until recently.
If a new 300 watt light is 5% more efficient than an older 300 watt light, that means only 15 more electrical watts are converted into light watts.
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Spectrum, Diode quality, the ability to put the driver outside of the tent, and PPFD/watt are the things to compare in your price range. Few lights are good in both veg and flower so get one that leans red for flower and supplement blue with a puck. Dimming is valuable but can be mimicked with height.

ScreenHunter_271 Jul. 16 11.55.jpg
You have a decent budget for your space. Imo, getting a good 'final' light that has everything you need and more is worth the investment at this point. Getting supplemental things like UV(improves terps), reds(bigger faster flowers), and higher cri(truer* light) will only improve your grow.

I wouldn't settle for just some 301b and epistar/osram reds unless this isn't something you're going to be doing for a long time.
Thanks for all the suggestions guys. I did a lot of reading this weekend and I think I have changed my mind on which light to get. And also become more confused on what is good!

2 new possibles:
Migrow array 120

Timber 2VL
Thanks for all the suggestions guys. I did a lot of reading this weekend and I think I have changed my mind on which light to get. And also become more confused on what is good!

2 new possibles:
Migrow array 120

Timber 2VL

Well the timber is more light, but also more wattage and price. 466 µmol for $300 for the timber. The migro is 302 µmol for $200. So they're about the same price per µmol. Looks like the timber will be a little less efficient. Timbers 2.3 µmol/w vs migros 2.5µmol/w.
I like the look and size of the migro as well.
It should have a little better spread than the timber as well.
I may just end up with the mars ts1000 since this is my first grow and its ~$100 cheaper. I have the budget for either but I don't want to get ahead of myself with equipment. I don't mind buying better stuff if it will last or if I might find myself upgrading in short order. Ah, decisions decisions.