:jaw: :Cool bud:

Deeeeewd..!! You are bustin' at the seams with goodness!-

The whole lots is rollin' phat-fat,--naturally!

>> Firstly, that LOGK looks fantastic! I dig how you get such healthy, nice sized plants (photo's especially) in that volume pot,... the dry porn is killin' me- LOL!

-dense, gummy resinous clay bud,....bet the aromatics were irresistible! How heavy was the buzz?
>>> Nice batch of Sweets too! :stylez rasta smoke: -great to see some Critical J', that one doesn't get much attention these days- new releases tend to steal the limelight! Critical+ is such a popular parent plant in so many crosses,... (Did you see A4 and Fweedom's Crit's? Stellar!) ...2 leggers, 2 bushiesand a teir to boot-:thumbs:...didn't you use to do this more often? I really like the extra drop it gives that tapper,....***... Hmmm, no purp's/red's in this run, ay? Well, actually, that CM will color up nicely, huh!... ever have any luck with the GDP beans? I gotta talk with my service friend about that, and why the seeds are scarce,...***.... Ahh yeaaah,... CM's loves the House of Reb', every time...! Think the J47's are following suite... both of those are damn fine hotties my friend!
... :banghead: man, the photo line up is wank-worthy!! :bone: Fruit and Cream run, baby- :roflcry: The whole house must smell amazing! ....You got me nailed on the Tangie brudda-- You know I'm
mental for orangey aromatics-LOL! (Gawd, I want more of that Agent Orange again...!)... BC is really packing on the trich's,...and the bud-fat! ... DB looking delish' too,.. lovely color on her undersides! .... HK! Another fine ass mama there,... who's the breeder again? I'm figuring the name says it all for parentage- NL, Headband, (?)-Kush.... The Kush craze continues from what I see on various "menus",... everybody and their pet dog has a K of some kind out there these days,...it almost ridiculous! But the genetics are usually so good, small wonder; well grown OG's seem to be in the 20+%THC all the time! **** :dance2::Gold::dance2: The Rvrnd.'s Winter Garden is blessed!!