Indoor Rebel's Winter Run 2014-15

Should have internet back at home tomorrow or Tuesday the latest. So keep an eye out for a major major picture bomb!:niceshot: :Sharing One:
Hey reb glad I could join in while its getting good. Looking forward to some harvest pics :Sharing One:
Truu ol' Boy!!! I've seen ya hanging round more lately and I'm happy you stopped by! I gotta catch up with you! Great to see another AFN OG (Original Grower) LOL coming back! Its been great seeing the old members coming back and mingling with the new members!

Hope you've been well and had a great Thanksgiving!
Hey G!! Been great having you back around as well!! Here's to old friends!

I am dying to do my picture update!
Hey RC!! Damn! All my old friends popping out! Love it! I'm gonna pm ya bro! Right now! Lol
You're like that girl in highschool everyone wants to talk to lol