New Grower RealitaT's 1st Grow

Thread moved to new growers section mate :thumbs: :group:
Alrighty, well little mash up here. Went outta town for a few days with the little ones in the care of my GF, and my entire grow room got unplugged for at least 30hrs or so and needless to say some unexpected things happened. However Ms. Biodiesel Mass and Ms. Auto Jack made it through somehow. I have a pic of BDM which is 2 days old from today which puts her at about 18 days or so, yeah shoulda marked but... live n learn heh. Not gonna harvest based on a number right? Anyway the new set up is done with the metal and what not, HPS not up yet but no rush atm. Here's a pic anyway :)


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Ok here you guys go, BDM is big girl, auto jack small girl, new setup like I said more upgrades coming too hps, oscilating fan, new sockets for cfl, upgraded out take... oh yeah found a ph/PPM meter. Okay, the mold is an issue for me... may not be a big issue however I do not want a tiny bit of mold to ruin 3 months plus of patience. The humidity above the lights is a constant 40% thanks to dehumidifier on a 1 on 2 off schedule, the dehumidifier will add a good 5 degrees to the ambient and direct temps. I diluted some 500ml 3% hydrogen peroxide and sprayed and watered, I didnt want to pour directly into just in case, but maybe have also diluted it kuch to do anything.



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so, it seems like the issue with the mold is going to be plain and simple, buy a big ass oscillating fan. Hmm to bad im broke for another week, seems like a common issue for new growers. :P However it also appears that where the fans were placed created cold spots, my gf took pics of it when it went sour with the lights and ventilation off and also the runoff buckets and humidifier were fullish, it revealed a pattern of growth in the mold in a straight line across the pots in line with the small blue fans direction. Where there was mold if you touched it, it was very cold and damp which means to me that the fans were too close to the soil and not allowing the water do evaporate evenly. I mixed in cinnamon with the top layer of soil (smell carries and burns eyes with wet soil and hot room lol) a few days ago and also did some hydrogen peroxide. I got frustrated and poured the 3% solution straight to the soil, plants are fine but was really interesting to me is that after i did that I watered them like 4 hours later and the soil bubbled up! Kinda freaked me out a little bit, but lessened learned as I could see that would be difficult on the roots . Just added on to the top part of soil from a freshly cracked bag of soil yesterday. So Biodiesel Mass (June 13th) is doing very well besides some minor burning (heat, water and mild nute). Green and healthy, I love the fact that if I turn off the fans and take a whiff I get a little weed with the vegetative smell.... mmmmm fresh :) The Auto Jack (June 20th) is well on her way, a few weird leaves but this last set has 5 fingers. :) Pics to come shortly
So two new sprouts, (july 5th) Auto Amphetamine and Auto Afghan Mass. These ones are here to stay as I've done all my newbie screw ups so far, have learned and sticking with what works for me. Pics will be up shortly of the girls so far, and the two new additions. I think the white powdery mildew will be a little battle until i get a large oscillating fan and the temptation to not water the soil is there, however the new soil on top has slowed any and wherever it appears i spray *lightly* with 3% hydrogen peroxide and then mix the top soil in to itself. BioDiesel Mass has shown her white pistols, pics as well of that :)
Alrighty so here are the pics


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Now... question on removing branches and leaves, how necessary is it and when should I? BDM is still short and bushy and am wondering if it'll stretch out at all once it starts to flower. I understand they will double in size when she starts flowering, and I have new growth on my new growth from my old growth, lol. My only issue is I think auto's aren't a fan of any pruning for some reason just like they don't need as much nutes as a reg photo plant, read somewhere I think... but seems to be common. Should I just let her go and see what happens? Wwouldnt be an issue jst need advice on maximizing plant efficiency. :)
So been awhile but still chuggin along. Biodiesel mass is 50 day plus, auto jack 40 day plus, auto amphetamine and afghan auto mass 30 day plus. Pics shortly :)