Mephisto Genetics Ready to jump into the Mephisto Club!

They are surprising me every day! I went up this afternoon and I'm like... wow wow wow.

This grow is going to be fun for sure!

The rocks are expanded recycled glass. They work like perlite. The ones I used in that mix are larger than I like. I had bought it to fill the bottom 6" or so of the pots, but my trial run on that didn't show any difference to the regular pots. So I used it up but adding it in to the growing medium. I did buy a new bag for the next grow but in a smaller diameter size. It is really light and very porous.

Hey Blessed. Everything looks good and healthy man.
These mephisto beans really are something else. They will continue to surprise you throughout the grow. At least thats how it went with me.
I noticed you have rocks on top? or through the soil?

What benefits does this bring to the table?
Week 3 Pics and Wow!

Here we go at 3 weeks. They will look different tonight! And I am sure they will all be in flower for next weeks photo shoot. :-)

Alien X Triangle is so bushy it is crazy:

Fantasmo1.jpgFantasmo2.jpg #1 would be as tall as #2 except that the stem bent way over.

Toof Decay

Whole Room
Nice plants! I've got some 10 day old Sour Crack that are growing like weeds too. What type of pots/bags are those? Keep up the good work!

:Sharing One:
Good luck with your SC's. How many are you running? This is my first Mephisto run and I can't wait to see how they compare in quality to the Big Buddha Blue Cheese (Sativa Pheno) which is now my favorite auto I've grown and perhaps my favorite if any strain, photo or auto. No kidding.

The pots are RootTrappers. They look solid but have tiny tiny holes in them you only see when you flood the pots. I like the size of them. I was using the fabric pots but these are taller which I like. They also don't dry out as quickly as the fabrics.

Nice plants! I've got some 10 day old Sour Crack that are growing like weeds too. What type of pots/bags are those? Keep up the good work!

:Sharing One:
I've got 8 SC seedlings started. I'm also finishing some Auto Blues that I F'ed up. Brown slime killed the first set of roots so they're limping along to the end. I've never grown BBBC but of the plants I've tried the Mephisto grow like mad. I've got 5 strains growing now which were all struck with the same brown slime. The Mephisto Auto Blues survived the abuse better than anything else. I grew 4 SC last fall and pulled over 200gr dry off the 4 plants. I think you're going to be pleased with your results.