Wanted to show a quick example of how I top dress most of my plants, indoors and outdoors. Though my more expensive stuff gets used indoors. I also like top dress about every 30-40 days depending on my container size.
Here is the combination of what I use to top dress outdoors. Decided to pick up a bag of Bu's Blend compost for this run, $35 per cu.ft.

It looks and smells great, nice and dark and full of nutrients. Testing G&B Organics products this run as well. I used their 4-4-4 to re-amend the soil before transplant. So far so good.
I took off the mulch layer first and then I add the Bud & Bloom Fert. 4 tbsp per container, per the directions, but that seems light to me.
Then mix it into the first inch of soil
Then add about a 2 inch layer of compost/worm castings on top. I use a 4:1 ratio of compost to worm castings and mix them well. Both seem rich in nutrients.
Then put the mulch layer back on, I like straw for mulch but will be sourcing rice hulls locally in the future.
Then water it in. Simple as that. Thanks for stopping by!!!