Quick hand needed please..

Use some tape, string, wire, whatever to lift the branch so is the broken tissue is in more contact with the part of the stem it's still partially attached to. Or if there are no, few or just small buds, few branches, etc. on that broken bottom branch, just cut it off cleanly.
Thanks for all the advice peeps! unfortunately kids... Floppy didn't make it :sad:
Tried a combo of @31drew31 & @Tessamaria approach but as I lifted it to support it broke cleanly off :sadcry:
Ahh Well onwards and upwards and a big
:thanks: for all the suggestions!

Sorry @BII didn't see your post. Looks like my clumsy mitts did the deed for me :doh:
Don't like that hole it's left much! Wish I had a bit of aloe Vera gel or something to blob on it! Ahh well sure she'll be fine!
If concerned, put some tape, wax or whatever on the wound to seal it, allow it to heal faster. Even a little dab of cheap antibiotic/antifungal ointment could only help.
If concerned, put some tape, wax or whatever on the wound to seal it, allow it to heal faster. Even a little dab of cheap antibiotic/antifungal ointment could only help.
Another fine idea! I'm gonna tape it just in case until its healed a bit better at least. :thumbsup: