Quick hand needed please..

Apr 6, 2020
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Just watering the ladies and I noticed a small poorly looking branch at the back of my smoothie. On close inspection it seems I've probably snapped it while having a move round a couple of nights ago clumsy twit! :doh: Just wondered whats best to do with it? Think taping is out of the question as it's so close to the main stem. My main concern is shock to the stem. Do I remove with bonsai scissors just above the main stem I'm thinking that's probably the best option and is there any thing I can/should do to minimise the stress on the stem?
Cheers all!
Id try and find a way to support it, maybe with 2 chopsticks or something. Looks like it will make it if you support it and allow it to regen where its broken/cracked. Shouldn't really effect the plant that much, looks healthy and happy!
Cheers @31drew31 I hadn't thought of that! I have some chopsticks, I'll try turning them into a pair of tiny crutches. :thumbsup:
That's cracking cap'n! :clapper: love that!
I probably should've evolved my growings by now but as you can see I'm a clumsy so & so so always been a bit frit! I've not removed so much as leaf as yet but I'm deffo gonna have a go at some training next run or one after depending how this un goes!
A small band or bands of duct tape with fix it up. Splint if needed.
i would just bind it somehow and hold it in place I've snapped an odd branch over the years
There is paraffin grafting tape. It expands with the growth of the plant so no fear of strangling anything. I snapped my main stem on this current grow...:doh:, it grew back together in a week.
You could also gently tie it to the branch above. It will soon close with a knot at the break, it looks like a healthy plant :astar::peace: