For autos I'd go with more flowering mate,your bud sites will develop in flowering,and autos really hit a growth spurt in flowering so you wanna hit them with plenty of flowering for your pot size keeping yr plant short,it's not a gurantee it will,I'm doin a grow in a 3 litre pot of a different strain and it got well over a metre tall,so you wanna look for short strain if hight is an issue or tie yr plant down as it grows
Hmm I really wanted to grow mi5 cause of the high yields... I have 54" of height... figure -8" from the pots and -10" from the lights + 2" of space from the canopy = 20" so I have about 34" of height to deal with... I'm guessing mi5 in 2 gallon pots is not going to hit 3 feet? or should I go with something like blue himalaya diesel to be safe?
p.s. I apologize for all the questions it's just that there are so many differing opinions on the web and im trying to work all the kinks out... For nutes I plan to use

Trio, Blackstrap Molasses and an Organic Root Stimulator... I'll be following an altered version of the ff feeding schedule (starting at 1/4 strength around day 12, gradually working up and reaching 3/4 max). I don't plan to mix any of the nutes together, when I start tiger bloom I'll alternate nutes with waterings, or is it okay to mix?. I plan to start my tea at at first signs of preflowers, once a week, starting at 1 tsp per gallon and working my way up to 1 tsp a week until I'm at 2 tbsp per gallon or is this too much? Also, I plan to start my root stimulator on day 7 is this okay? For soil I'll be using a mix of 2/3

OF 1/3

LW mixed with 1/4 perlite. My actual feeding schedule I plan to have it look something like this, please correct any miscalculations.
Day 7 start root stimulator (1/4 of recommended dose) and I'll do this once a week moving up 1/4 strength at a time until I'm at 3/4... I'll stop the root stimulator 1 week into flowering.
Day 12 start 1/4 strength big bloom 1/4 strength grow big alternating every other watering into week 3
week 3 1/2 strength big bloom 1/2 strength grow big alternating every other watering ( I'll always do my tea at he beginning of the week ) One question I have is can I mix my nutes in with my tea? (molasses)
week 4 1/2 strength big bloom 1/2 strength grow big alternating ( when I switch nutes will depend on when preflowers pop)
week 5 1/2 strength big bloom 1/2 strength Tiger Bloom... Now if I alternate and don't mix them together I can't really fit them both into the same week ( unless i feed one of the nutes EVERY watering or go on on off on on off) so should I mix 1/3 big bloom 1/3 tiger bloom and feed them together every other watering or???
so on and so forth I'll feed big bloom maybe 2-3 times total during flowering... Start my tea at flowering once a week starting at 1 tsp per gallon... after week 7 I'll flush with a solution and feed straight water and molasses until trichs tell me its chop time does this sound good or too much/too little? I understand I'll also have to watch for what the plants need, but as a general rule of thumb.
If anyone with experience has a prewritten schedule for autoflowering using similar nutes I would appreciate it!!!