New Grower Question about seedling resiliency

Mar 7, 2015
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Afternoon AFN,

I have a question about a seed I germinated and it has a rough history so far. The seed is a Canuk auto lemon skunk I received as a freebie. It was a really small seed to begin with, but I germinated in paper towel with the some kush&cheese freebies (photos) Now the kush's popped in 24hrs and we're up and out of the soil in 2 days. The auto flower barely popped, it had a tap root so I was transferring it to soil when it dropped out of the tweezers and down the sink!! (I know it was dumb to do by the sink) so I opened my p-trap and recovered the seedI recovered I decided to drop ithe n a glass of Bottled water and waited 24 hrs. When I checked again it had kept growing the tap root. I transfered it to soil and waited. It popped up after 2 days, but still wearing the shell. I sprayed the husk to soften it and it did not come off.
I gently helped it and the husk fell off, or so I thought. A thin little piece almost like a popcorn kernel skin kept the leaves shut. I sprayed it again but still nothing. So I took an exacto knife and slid it between the leaves and cut the skin open. The leaves snapped open and looked to be ok. I then went to return the plant to the t5 and I dropped the container!!! The plant fell over and the dirt came out sideways. I returned all soil gently and righted the container. As I was placing it back on its spot it fell over again. This time it buried the seedling, again I recovered the soil and righted the plant. I gently watered and left for the night. I came in the morning and the seedling was bent over and looking sad. I'm not sure if I finally killed it or what but it's still green and after proping it up with a small stick it seems.

So my question (sorry for the long read) did the plant droop cause the roots were displaced in the drop, if so can it recover, and lastly imI'm assuming my yield is gone out the window.

Thanks guys, any feedback is appreciated and feel free to poke fun for my stupidity with the sink
Yea man just too much stress and could have snapped the tap root or the could try some jumpstart or super thrive to try an bring it back but when they slump its hard to get it to recover.,,sounds like it just was doomed from the start lol Its all good..many more beans will die ..Happens.
Lol ya I figured, of course it's the one I actually wanted to grow inside.

Oh well, thanks for the reply!!