Indoor Question about germing

Im going right to dirt..towls have some chem on them I hear now so I stopped that and just wet the soil pop them in and put a cup or lay plastic on to of the soil to keep in moisture and heat..Im having great grem rates and stronger faster growth..and no disturbing the tap root..I use regular sink water let sit for 24hrs or more.
towls have some chem on them I hear now/QUOTE]


Please don't think I am trying to be a jerk here but it's unsubstantiated comments like this that scare newbies sometimes. There is nothing in a paper towel that is going to harm a seed in the germinating process. Your statement alone shows that you are only going by what someone else said and have no evidence to show that paper towels harm seeds first hand.
Hi all, since a lot of comments are in regards to water, I was wondering about water collected from a dehumidifier. Would it be as safe or superior to tap or spring water?

DO NOT DRINK the water from a dehumidifier. It is full of metals and biological crap that is floating in the air and gets trapped in the condenser. It is ok to water plants with though. Frankly just save the drama and use tap water.
Idk that paper towels have enough residual chem to hurt beans, seems millions of ppl germ that way okay. Although, I do know that some "purists" like myself choose not to germ this method just for this theoretical possibility. :) That's okay, plenty of other methods to go around haha! Not for nothin, but some choose to use the brown "unbleached" coffee filters to use this method without bleached paper towels. Just some thoughts :)
I always & always have used paper towels to germ. Moisten, place seeds, put in plastic bag, & put in a warm spot. Pretty much that simple. Don't overthink it that leads to problems. Then again to each is own.