Sometimes people just over think simple things and there is ALWAYS that 1 story that someone posts that makes a claim one way or another but I have ALWAYS just used plain tap water straight out of the faucet. This is CITY tap water with a PH of 8.5+. I fill up a glass half way with water. Drop in my seed(s) and just leave them be for 6-8 hours. Sometimes they float, sometimes they sink. I have NEVER noted any difference in the end result whether a seed floated or sank! After 6-8 hours take a piece of paper towel and fold it in half, stick it on plate, plastic TupperWare container what ever and place your seeds on it. Fold the paper towel again over the top of the seeds. Wet the paper towel just to the point where you have "standing water" on it. If using a plate cover the wet towel with another plate or loosely place the top of the TupperWare container on it. Find a place that is warm to place it over. I place mine on the top of my cable TV converter box or DVD player(just remember to leave it ON). This provides a warm humid environment for the seeds to finish germinating in. Watch the paper towel and make sure it is always very moist. Your seeds should be sprouted in 24-48 hours. I have had seeds in the dirt within 18 hours a couple of times using this method.