New Grower Question about air exchange

Nov 6, 2015
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Hi guys. My first post. Seedlings 7 cm from ground, planted in 5 gallon pots. I had few issues in the start (its my first grow). Is it ok to have both vents turned on in seeding phase? Output is on 280 m3/h and input is 180 m3/h. Pots have rectangle holes on sides from bootom to the top.
Air has to be exchanged within 5 minutes.

And the pots volume seems satisfactory.

Will you share a pic with us?


Your setup seems to be all right.

What u growing, bro?
Thanks for your answer Gabro :d5: I was scared that problemis air exchange but meanwhile I found out whats the real problem. Its my first grow. I will post pictures soon :cools:

1x Hubbasmelloscope, 1x Northern LightsxBig Bud, 1x Wild Thailand Ryder and 1x Sweet Coffee Ryder.
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Man... you couldnt have picked it anybetter.

BigBud X NL is probably gonna result in nice mass of growth. Not much trouble with smell though. And fair smoke. I think its nice! If well taken care of, might increase overall yield a lot!

The coffee ryder seems to be the other side of the story, small harvest, sweet taste and smell. (Lovely!)

And the Thai... well... sativa kind of thing. Probably has great smoke.

I wouldnt be able to choose one for me if I had to pick between the three.

Im already anxious for the further uploads!
