Queen City Hemp Interview Live Stoners 27th Jan 2017

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Good afternoon @Queen City Hemp and welcome to AFN! Thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge and product information with us!

I have a fairly limited experience with CBD as a whole and just recently tried out some of my first CBD autoflower strains. I found the "high" or effects of it to be very interesting, very different than a typical high THC strain in my opinion. My wife has fibromyalgia and we're always looking for ways to help relieve some of her nerve pain and symptoms with it. Have you guys ever been approached by anyone with fibromyalgia and would CBD oil be a potential consideration for her?

The high is minimal because there is very little psychoactivity with cannabidiol specifically. You will notice a more mellowing feeling but not the head buzz. Nerve pain is the [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] reason people take our products. We have people suffering from MS and Fibro that find daily relief as a preventative and immediately. Some have stopped taking opiates as a result.
I live in a dark ages state so what I get is what is available. Once in awhile i'll come across someone who actually knows the strain - I like the middle ground of sativa/indica as I prefer to be active while I toke instead of couch locked. Although at the end of the night when my bones are weary...a heavy indica is definitely nice.
Good awnser!#:d5: :pass:passes to @budelee
While QCH gets caught up heres some pics of my Mephisto Skyrone Stomper on day 53 i believe
Here's a little info from projectcbd.org

Which on the ratio CBD: THC is right for me?

Cannabis therapy is personalized medicine. There is not a single radio, variety or product that is right for everyone. Optimize your therapeutic use of Cannabis by looking for the appropriate combination of CBD and THC that works best for you. A person's sensitivity to THC is a key factor in determining the proper radius and dosage of CBD-rich medicine. Many people enjoy the high effect of Cannabis and can consume reasonable amounts of any Cannabis product without feeling too high or dysphoric. Others do not find THC pleasurable. CBD may decrease or neutralize the intoxicating effects of THC. So a high radius of CBD to THC means it will have less psychoactive potential. In some states with medical marijuana laws, Cannabis Concentrated Oils and other products with CBD: THC Variable Radius are available so that users can adjust or minimize the psychoactive effects that match their needs and sensitivities. Those who do not like THC have the option to heal without elevating using CBD-rich remedies with a small amount of THC. But a low THC remedy, while not intoxicating, is not always the most effective treatment option. In essence, the goal is to administer measured and consistent doses of a CBD-rich remedy that includes both THC and the person can cope comfortably.
Are your products available in all the states?
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