Queen City Hemp Interview Live Stoners 27th Jan 2017

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Yep tap root grows pretty fast, i know that... Just looking for some good ways of growing nice roots before going outdoors...

have u thought about fabric pots and maybe cut the bottom out for transplant??
On our bottles we label a dose as 1/2 mL or half a dropperful. There are 60 of those in each bottle. What you need in a day depends on you and yourself.

seems everybody wants to know the dosing amount.. trial and error i guess. Ill be looking for a similar product here to try, any Canadian companies you know of somewhat like yourself @Queen City Hemp
@Queen City Hemp consider coming in one day to Talk us though your study cannabinoids and there properties would be Soo Interesting.

I find there is so little info out there..where there is almost too much on the growing of cannabis.

We'd Love to share an afternoon with you telling us what you learned in those 4 years.
Indeed - I'd love to do that. Each one has it's own properties that can be useful depending on what you suffer from.

For instance, CBN will put you to sleep for you insomniacs out there. Just decarb some high THC cannabis for a really long time, it will convert from THC to CBN. Make some butter or a tincture and you have an all natural sleep aid. I have used capsules before and no joke - 11 hours of sleep. Man that was nice! Usually I'm lucky to get 6 hours.
@Queen City Hemp did you know that AFN has a radio show? If you might be interested in a live Interview on the air, you could talk to @Son of Hobbes
This chart has some info on how/what cannabinoids can help for different areas/issues,its by no means an all inclusive list,hope it helps out a bit
Indeed - I'd love to do that. Each one has it's own properties that can be useful depending on what you suffer from.

For instance, CBN will put you to sleep for you insomniacs out there. Just decarb some high THC cannabis for a really long time, it will convert from THC to CBN. Make some butter or a tincture and you have an all natural sleep aid. I have used capsules before and no joke - 11 hours of sleep. Man that was nice! Usually I'm lucky to get 6 hours.

That is probably the best answer ever given here. Helping us make our own meds while educating us about theirs! :d5:
seems everybody wants to know the dosing amount.. trial and error i guess. Ill be looking for a similar product here to try, any Canadian companies you know of somewhat like yourself @Queen City Hemp
I'm not aware of what is available up there on products - if any are. IIRC the regulatory body in Canada hasn't hit that point for extracts and product manufacturers yet.
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