Indoor Quantum boards, Autopots & Mephisto

This will be the final update until harvest. I'm going to start flushing Chemdogging tomorrow and will let SODK finish the res off. There's about a gallon left in there, so I'll let her drink that and see what she looks like. She seems like she has a ways to go. Chemdogging is smelling awesome and looking frosty. She's going to be a good one. SODK has some frost but definitely not looking like Chemdogging.

On a side note, already dreading all the trimming. I don't know how you guys with tons of plants do it. All I can say is it sucks, but is a good problem to have I guess.



Tomorrow looks like harvest day. Hopefully I can have these flowers dried out enough by next Friday so I can jar them up. Going to have a house full of people unexpectedly next weekend. Ehhhhh, if not fuck um, I'm legal. On a side note, Chemdogging is falling over she's so heavy. That's a good thing right?? Lol. I'll post more pics tomorrow when I can figure out away to get these girls outta the closest without f##king them up
Chemdogging has been chopped and trimmed. She produced a pretty decent harvest. Didn't have time to take SODK down. This is a weird time for me personally and without going into details Im going to just give SODK away to a friend. They can trim and do all the dirty work. I've got a pretty decent stash in the cupboard and chemdogging produced for me so I'll be cool. I won't be able to start another grow until late July. This will be the longest grow break I've had in years. I'll probably go through withdrawals. Thanks for reading guys, I'll update with some weights by next week hopefully.

Chemdogging before chop

Chemdogging after chop

From left to right..
Trim/popcorn buds for bubble hash, big buds, meduim buds then small buds

Poor left out SODK
Chemdogging has been chopped and trimmed. She produced a pretty decent harvest. Didn't have time to take SODK down. This is a weird time for me personally and without going into details Im going to just give SODK away to a friend. They can trim and do all the dirty work. I've got a pretty decent stash in the cupboard and chemdogging produced for me so I'll be cool. I won't be able to start another grow until late July. This will be the longest grow break I've had in years. I'll probably go through withdrawals. Thanks for reading guys, I'll update with some weights by next week hopefully.

Chemdogging before chop

Chemdogging after chop

From left to right..
Trim/popcorn buds for bubble hash, big buds, meduim buds then small buds

Poor left out SODK
That chemdogging looks scrumptious
That chemdogging looks scrumptious
Thanks bro, shes definitely one of my best plants. I'm pretty sure Chemdogging is going on my A list. I wish I had a nose like a wine taster so I could describe her smell. All I can say is, she smells delicious and is stinky as shit. My whole house reeks right now, even with slight neg pressure in dry room.
Just wanted to say thanks to Mephisto @stan_mephisto, for the awesome genetics. 249g of good bud off one plant shows how much work you guys put into breeding good genetics. Thanks guys and I look forward to more Mephisto grows in my future.