Purple lemonade harvest

hi bro you just have to judge them the best way you can as mine get dryer i end up at the end with everything in either 1 or 2 bags as if you have some bits that aren't as dry as others it helps to get them all the same dryness before curing also have you got any RH meters you can even put that in the bag if your worried to give you an idea there right for the jars
That's also what i do. I start with several bags and after maybe 4 days i put everything in 1 or 2 bags.
hi bro you just have to judge them the best way you can as mine get dryer i end up at the end with everything in either 1 or 2 bags as if you have some bits that aren't as dry as others it helps to get them all the same dryness before curing also have you got any RH meters you can even put that in the bag if your worried to give you an idea there right for the jars
You got to check out my girl, a candy kush from autoseeds. 1 meter tall with a broken main branch. I'll get a link https://www.autoflower.org/threads/autoseeds-2021-grow-show.82347/page-21#post-2443917
Update… still yellow, still leaves dying off and red stems on the main buds the smaller leaves have this red/purpley colour beteeen the leaf veins, can’t find anythin online that suggest what it is .

Had similar issue when I first turned my light on at 100%, after 3 days the top canopy leaves were looking similar to that, but lower leaves were fine. Turned light back down on dimmer and it stopped progressing any further.
Better to get solid advice off the infirmary people rather than listen to me though.

Good luck friend.
