The thing that is most important about all of this is the fact that these strains will become autoflower. We can grow in the same room, not worry about light leaks, outside spring/summer/fall, hidden and stealthy, fast and feminized. I would prefer these grow wild with different profile strains growing in different regions. There could be medical bud growing all over and we wouldn't need to pay so damn much, just walk around town and pick some weeds. We could just eradicate males and spread fem seed (don't give me regular seed is more stable bullshit cus if you can make a girl a guy then you have a male regardless, and consequently receive female babies) that way the wild weed will remain potent and crossbreeding and such will be limited. We can still grow hemp or just tall photo sensitive weed as well because it blooms in fall and autoflowers can be done before and cut down (even if there is wild out there it would be dead dry in drought that time of year so wouldn't pollinate the hemp) and we can still have fiber or seed crop. Now we just need it legalized.