Outdoor Guerrilla grows can be challenging. The old adage of location,location,location is most proper to the eventual success or failure. We all know to position our grows to afford the most available sunlight possible. However there are many other factors involved and wildlife and pests control are tantamount to healthy ,tasty buds. For instance when you scout your spot one needs to get really interested in area around it . Too close to a drinking source for animals will have them trampling over your grow to get to water, suck it up pal ,you will be carrying water to your ladies. then look for paths or nearby paths close to your spot ,they are a handy guide as to travel routes for all sorts of critters. Deer are destructive and will walk slowly browsing and your ladies are succulent and susceptible to this nibbler . Earlier in the thread are many ideas to combat this but I use mostly human urine,human hair and mothballs spread in a circle away from the plant. A whitetail Deer's number one danger alert system is it's sense of smell,act accordingly in this manner without giving yourself away to any Two legged Varmints who may drift by your scene. I notice Mr. Grey Bear states (And no offense to you,Sir) : "Non of it is full proof, but it can help your chances. Also, deer that are habituated to human and canine environments will not be deterred by anything but physical barriers",,,perhaps true enough in his area,however in mine Deer are considered a diet staple and if you fart within 300 yards of one he is gone in a flash of a whitetail. Rodents can be easily dismayed with as someone else astutely stated by liberally spraying Fox Urine around the proximity, it can be ordered online or purchased at any sporting goods store. Great advice against using soap, it will attract mice and other critters. In closing here is a silly tip that works for rodents and birds after they get some size, throw a couple of fake rubber snakes around your plants and move them every once in awhile,,,heh,,,skeers hell out of nosey bastards too.Good Luck !