yeah thats a fine thread man. i only skimmed it but did it cover surfactants? soil dry and roots in it can be a trick to water. you can actually soak the pot until the bubbles stop.just covering the pot. the stalk shouldnt have any issue. overly wet soil that wont dry out easily or somewhat quickly can lead to damping off.but usually its not an issue. few ounces at a time when small,to a half gallon to almost a full gallon at 3 gallons of soil. its really simple. small slow circles around the small(or larger plants to moisten the soil like smaller just can take longer is all) plants/sprouts and its that simple. good water and its that simple. you'll develop your OWN way before long,just follow the simple principles of watering.not too much. ot too little. chems ya need run off,organics not so much. pretty easy