Good morning . This year I decided I would try to do a couple of regular photoperiod plants outdoors , like nature intended. So I have 6 of them . About an even split of blueberry muffin from humboldt seed company and New England hazy kush from Kyle of predicative breeding . I used the build a soil reamend kit they sell to refresh my soil I used from the last auto run plus a few scoops of fresh compost from different sources like they recommended. I wet the soil and let it sit out and compost for a few weeks before using, then transplanted my seedlings into it. Oh. And I did half in 10 gallon fabric pots and the other half straight into the soil that I have been building for a couple of years now. Well, it worked! I have 5 super healthy looking plants that look amazing. 2 out of 3 of the ones I planted into my flower bed are feet taller then I am! And the ones in the pots aren’t as tall but they are big beautiful healthy looking plants. They haven’t started to flower yet. I expect they will when the days start to get shorter sometime next month. Plant number 6 looks like this though(see last picture) . It’s drooping something awful and just looks unhappy. I’m curious if anyone has any ideas why? I think maybe it’s been overwatered. The plants I have in the pots are drinking roughly 2 gallons of water per day. I soak the pots in the morning and the next day the pots are super light and emptied of water! The ones I put in the ground don’t seem to need nearly as much water . Maybe I’ve been overdoing it the ground doesn’t seem to need it so I’m going to ease up on the watering every 2 or 3 days and see if it helps. Now on to the second issue we’re having. . Since I started growing for my medical reasons It’s really ignited an interest in gardening, we’ve been growing a little bit of everything,the last few seasons. This year, our veggie garden went crazy! Lip until last weeks hot weather we have been cutting a bit of lettuce off and making fresh salads every night for dinner. Now the lettuce has finally started to bolt , but we will start some new ones up when it gets a little cooler outside. Anyways, we have a bumper crop of tomatoes and peppers . As soon as the tomato starts to get ripe it seems that a slug finds it and burrows inside. It happens every time! I never see any during the day they seem to come only at night. But I really don’t want to lose my whole crop of tomatoes to these little bastards.what should we do?
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